Dewesoft Blog
Dewesoft Events
Dewesoft's First Summer Camp is Here!
In the first week of August, Trbovlje in Slovenia will host the best natural science students from various Italian universities.
Primož Rome
Case Studies
Suspension Testing on Formula SAE Racecar
Learn how the e-team Squadra Corse wanted to redesign the front of its Formula SAE car Galileo without losing the strength and stiffness of the racecar.
Carsten Frederiksen
Dewesoft Events
Dewesoft Sponsors the Biggest Trampoline Event and a New World Record
We became a partner of the event Odbito na Ljubljanica, where we measured the raw power of the visitors and participated in breaking the world record.
Primož Rome
Data Acquisition Knowledge Base
Data Acquisition (DAQ) - The Ultimate Guide [Updated 2025]
The complete guide to data acquisition (DAQ). Learn how DAQ systems work and what are the basic elements of modern digital data acquisition systems.
Grant Maloy Smith
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2022.2 Released - DirectX Graphics, GPU Accelerated Calculations, New Widgets
We are pleased to announce the release of DewesoftX 2022.2. The new release brings significant graphics optimizations, a new power module, and many other features.
Eva Kalšek
Case Studies
Hungry? Data Acquisition Cooks Up the Perfect BBQ
Find out how the Dewesoft data acquisition helped Traeger engineers to measure and collect data on high-tech grills in different temperature environments.
John Miller
Application Notes
Noise Floor Analysis: Signal Measurement Chain Quality in Civil Engineering
The measurement signal chain has to be well-composed and accurately dimensioned to optimize signal-to-noise ratio. Read the application note to learn how.
Gabriele Ribichini
Product Updates
Announcing the new Dewesoft ARTeMiS Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) Solution
Dewesoft partners with Structural Vibration Solutions A/S and releases a complete operational modal analysis (OMA) solution using the ARTeMIS OMA software.
Primož Rome
Case Studies
Correlating Power Measurements with Electromotor Vibration Data
Learn how the automation of the report generation process provided to be a huge time-saver after acquiring data with Dewesoft measurement equipment.
Grant Maloy Smith
Application Notes
Measuring and Comparing Capabilities of Combustion and Electric Motorcycle
With the Dewesoft DAQ system, we decided to compare the capabilities of two motocross bikes - combustion and the electric one. Find out which is better!
Valentino Pagliara
Case Studies
Download Dewesoft Customer Case Study Booklets
Dewesoft customer stories show how our customers did their jobs with a little help from some Dewesoft friends. Download PDF case study booklets now.
Carsten Frederiksen
Case Studies
Vibration Measurements and Modal Analysis on Space Telescope Components
Find out how Dewesoft vibration measurements and modal analysis are used during the assembly of world's largest optical and near-infrared telescope (ELT).
Helmut Behmüller
Corporate News
Dewesoft Is Now ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Laboratory
Our calibration laboratory has passed all requirements according to ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The audit was performed by Slovenian Accreditation.
Primož Rome
Case Studies
Dynamic Measurements on Suspension Bridges
Learn how dynamic measurements were performed during load tests on two hanging bridges. Dewesoft offered a practical solution for environmental conditions.
Carsten Frederiksen
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2022.1 Released - UI and Usability Improvements, Modal Analysis Updates, Scanivalve Support, MOOG Controller Acquisition
DewesoftX 2022.1 is fully compatible with Windows 11. It introduces box-zoom, updated modal analysis module, Scanivalve pressure scanner & Moog controller.
Eva Kalšek
Corporate News
Dewesoft and HBK Announce a New Joint Venture Blueberry
Dewesoft and HBK announce a new joint venture called Blueberry. Blueberry will work on backbone standardization for the new generation of DAQs. See the PR.
Primož Rome
Corporate News
Introducing the Test Engineer Catalog
Test engineers catalog is a technical reference for the measurement of voltage, current, temperature, strain, vibration, sound, and more. Download it now!
Primož Rome
Product Updates
New DS-CAM Cameras: DS-CAM-640c and DS-CAM-1100m
We are releasing two no DS-CAM camera models (DS-CAM-640c and DC-CAM-1100m) which are replacing outdated DS-CAM-600 models. See full release notes.
Primož Rome
Case Studies
Structural Health Monitoring of the Orvieto Cathedral
Learn how Dewesoft structural health monitoring system was installed to evaluate dynamic interaction of macrostructural elements of the Orvieto Cathedral.
Alessia Longo
Data Acquisition Knowledge Base
The Top 150 Electric Cars and Other Electric Vehicles by Range
We looked at mileage ranges of different electric vehicles to determine the top electric cars available. See the list of best electric cars by range.
Primož Rome
Case Studies
Frequency Stabilization - Primary Control of Hydro Turbines - Part I
Learn how Uniper could make an educated selection of proper frequency transducers based on the test results made with Dewesoft equipment.
Carsten Frederiksen
Data Acquisition Knowledge Base
What is Signal Processing?
Signal processing is used in order to analyse measured data. Read the article to learn how signal processing is performed and applied in DAQ applications.
Grant Maloy Smith
Data Acquisition Knowledge Base
The Most Common Electricity Source in Each Country
Dewesoft looked at electricity use data around the world to determine the most common sources of electricity for each country. See the infographic.
Primož Rome
Application Notes
Measuring and Evaluating the Effects of Vibration on Buildings - UNI 9916:2014 and ISO 4866:2010
With Dewesoft systems, it is possible to carry out measurements for vibrations according to the ISO and UNI standards. Read the article to learn how.
Samuele Ardizio