"How to" guides

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NameDescriptionLanguageVersionFile typePublished atDownload
Bridge operationsGuide on bridge operations for strain gauge sensors inside DewesoftX software and strain gauge signal conditioner.englishV21-1pdf2/9/2023Download
GigE Vision cameras NIC and PC setup

A guide on recommended network interface card and PC setup for GigE cameras for the latest Gige camera plugin.

How to setup GoPro cameraA guide on how to setup GoPro camera acquisition inside DewesoftX software.englishV20-1pdf2/9/2023Download
How to use CAN ouputA short guide on how to set up the CAN output manual on Dewesoft CAN bus interfaces.englishV20-2pdf12/29/2022Download
How to use GPS for timing and synchronisationInstruction on how to use GPS as a timing and synchronization source for Dewesoft data acquisition systems.englishV22-1pdf12/28/2022Download
How to use OxTs synchronization cableQuick start manual for using OxTS sync cable manual.englishV21-2pdf2/9/2023Download
Power supply ground loopsPower supply ground loops application note.englishV21-1pdf2/9/2023Download
Vector Matrix ConstantA basic "how-to" guide on how to use array math.englishV21-1pdf2/9/2023Download
Why using isolated amplifiersUseful information about the different amplifier architectures (single-ended, differential, isolated).englishV21-1pdf2/9/2023Download