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NameDescriptionLanguageVersionFile typePublished atDownload
Acoustic test reportDewesoft test report for acoustic filters.englishpdf7/22/2024Download
AQAP-2110:2016 certificateNATO standard certificate (NATO quality assurance requirements for design, development, and production).englishpdf7/22/2024Download
Bearings databaseBearings database for analysis of bearings. Unzip and copy the XML file to the appropriate DewesoftX system folder.englishzip7/22/2024Download
Brand identity elementsElements of the Dewesoft brand identity such as logos and fonts in different formats, styles, and layouts.englishzip7/22/2024Download
Brand identity guidelinesGuidelines for the Dewesoft brand identity elements such as colors, logos, business cards, prints, and others.english1.0pdf7/30/2024Download
City of Acrobats

The City of Acrobats is an entrepreneurial environment of shared services and production for physical products, combining cutting-edge technological know-how with the wisdom of the experienced (Dewesoft) and the enthusiasm of the young startups (Katapult).

Code of conductDewesoft company code of conduct brochure.englishpdf7/22/2024Download
Fair Competition and Anti - Trust Statment

Guidelines promoting fair business practices and compliance with antitrust laws to prevent anti-competitive behavior and ensure a level playing field in the market.

Human Rights and Moder Slavery Statment

 A commitment to upholding human rights and preventing forced labor, outlining our policies and efforts to combat modern slavery within our operations and supply chain.

ISO certificates 2023Dewesoft ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates. The certificates have been renewed and re-issued in March 2023.englishzip7/22/2024Download
Quality policyDewesoft quality policy information leaflet.english22-1pdf7/24/2024Download
RoHS3 compliance declaration

Dewesoft RoHS3 Compliance Declaration regarding the Limitation of dangerous Substances.

SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certificateAccreditation certificate (General requirements for the competence, impartiality, and consistent operation of laboratories).englishpdf7/24/2024Download
Supplier Code of Business Conduct

A set of ethical and compliance standards that our suppliers must adhere to, ensuring responsible business practices across our supply chain.

Trade Compliance Policy

Trade Compliance Policy: A document outlining guidelines and regulations to ensure lawful and ethical international trade practices.

Warranty terms V24-1

Terms and conditions of the Dewesoft 7-year warranty.

Warranty terms V25-1

Terms and conditions of the Dewesoft 7-year warranty.
