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NameDescriptionVersionFile typePublished atDownload
Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA Installer (64-bit, dongle)Installer for Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA software package (64-bit). This installer requires a dongle with a license file installed./exe7/22/2024Download 64-bit
Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA installer (64-bit, no dongle)Installer for Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA software package (64-bit). This installer can be used without a license dongle./exe7/22/2024Download 64-bit
Dewesoft calculatorThe Dewesoft calculator is a simple tool for calculating recorded data file size from different Dewesoft USB and EtherCAT devices./exe7/22/2024Download
DewesoftX language translation toolLangDiff.exe tool is used to translate the old DewesoftX language file to the new (not yet translated) language file.1.02exe7/22/2024Download
DewesoftX launcherDewesoftX launcher utility. It should be placed under "\ProgramData\Dewesoft Shared". 64-bitDownload 32-bit
DewesoftX video libraryVideo library with H.264 encoder support for DewesoftX data acquisition software.1.0pdf7/22/2024Download 64-bitDownload 32-bit
DS-CAL calibrator installer

DS-CAL calibration software for calibrating all Dewesoft data acquisition devices.

2024.5exe3/6/2025Download 64-bitDownload 32-bit
Environment ServerEnvironment server required by DS-CAL calibrator installer version 2022.4 for getting temperature and humidity information from the sensor./exe7/22/2024Download
EtherCAT daisy chain calculatorThe EtherCAT daisy chain calculator is an Excel file that can be used as a tool to calculate and determine the required number and position of the EtherCAT Power Injector devices needed in the EtherCAT device measurement chain./zip7/22/2024Download
EtherCAT device ESI descriptionsThe collection of ESI files for Dewesoft EtherCAT devices. Some 3rd party EtherCAT controllers require ESI files in order to properly recognize the EtherCAT slave devices present on the EtherCAT® bus. They utilize the additional settings defined in the ESI file to help the user configure the device./zip7/22/2024Download
Historian Docker packageDocker package for Dewesoft Historian database service for monitoring solutions. Historian service includes the InfluxDB time-series database.V1.4.0zip1/7/2025Download
NEMOSENSE config toolThe configuration tool for the initial configuration of the NEMOSENSE data logger devices. It is used to set up the device IP address, MQTT broker, sample rate, etc.1.4.21.exe12/23/2024Download
TeamViewer Remote Desktop ToolDewesoft remote desktop support tool for quick remote support./exe7/24/2024Download
TEDS editorDewesoft TEDS sensor editor utility for reading/writing TEDS sensor data.2023.1zip7/24/2024Download
TEDS libraryDewesoft TEDS description file (TDL).1.3zip7/24/2024Download
TEDS templates LabVIEWLabVIEW example code for reading TEDS templates./zip7/24/2024Download