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Name | Description | Version | File type | Published at | Download |
Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA Installer (64-bit, dongle) | Installer for Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA software package (64-bit). This installer requires a dongle with a license file installed. | / | exe | 7/22/2024 | Download 64-bit |
Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA installer (64-bit, no dongle) | Installer for Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA software package (64-bit). This installer can be used without a license dongle. | / | exe | 7/22/2024 | Download 64-bit |
Dewesoft calculator | The Dewesoft calculator is a simple tool for calculating recorded data file size from different Dewesoft USB and EtherCAT devices. | / | exe | 7/22/2024 | Download |
DewesoftX language translation tool | LangDiff.exe tool is used to translate the old DewesoftX language file to the new (not yet translated) language file. | 1.02 | exe | 7/22/2024 | Download |
DewesoftX launcher | DewesoftX launcher utility. It should be placed under "\ProgramData\Dewesoft Shared". | | exe | 7/22/2024 | Download 64-bitDownload 32-bit |
DewesoftX video library | Video library with H.264 encoder support for DewesoftX data acquisition software. | 1.0 | 7/22/2024 | Download 64-bitDownload 32-bit | |
DS-CAL calibrator installer | DS-CAL calibration software for calibrating all Dewesoft data acquisition devices. | 2024.5 | exe | 3/6/2025 | Download 64-bitDownload 32-bit |
Environment Server | Environment server required by DS-CAL calibrator installer version 2022.4 for getting temperature and humidity information from the sensor. | / | exe | 7/22/2024 | Download |
EtherCAT daisy chain calculator | The EtherCAT daisy chain calculator is an Excel file that can be used as a tool to calculate and determine the required number and position of the EtherCAT Power Injector devices needed in the EtherCAT device measurement chain. | / | zip | 7/22/2024 | Download |
EtherCAT device ESI descriptions | The collection of ESI files for Dewesoft EtherCAT devices. Some 3rd party EtherCAT controllers require ESI files in order to properly recognize the EtherCAT slave devices present on the EtherCAT® bus. They utilize the additional settings defined in the ESI file to help the user configure the device. | / | zip | 7/22/2024 | Download |
Historian Docker package | Docker package for Dewesoft Historian database service for monitoring solutions. Historian service includes the InfluxDB time-series database. | V1.4.0 | zip | 1/7/2025 | Download |
NEMOSENSE config tool | The configuration tool for the initial configuration of the NEMOSENSE data logger devices. It is used to set up the device IP address, MQTT broker, sample rate, etc. | 1.4.21. | exe | 12/23/2024 | Download |
TeamViewer Remote Desktop Tool | Dewesoft remote desktop support tool for quick remote support. | / | exe | 7/24/2024 | Download |
TEDS editor | Dewesoft TEDS sensor editor utility for reading/writing TEDS sensor data. | 2023.1 | zip | 7/24/2024 | Download |
TEDS library | Dewesoft TEDS description file (TDL). | 1.3 | zip | 7/24/2024 | Download |
TEDS templates LabVIEW | LabVIEW example code for reading TEDS templates. | / | zip | 7/24/2024 | Download |