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NameDescriptionLanguageVersionFile typePublished atDownload
Aircraft power manualThis is the user's manual for the Dewesoft Aircraft Power application consisting of two modules, one for DC and one for AC measurements.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Angle sensors manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft angle sensors (DS-TACHO1, DS-TACHO2, DS-TACHO3, DS-TACHO4).englishV25-1pdf2/3/2025Download
Battery packs manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft battery packs (DS-BP2i, DS-BP4i)englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Brake noise testing manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft brake noise (brake squeal) testing solution.englishV21-2pdf7/22/2024Download
Brake testing manualTechnical reference for Dewesoft brake testing solution.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Bridge completion adapters manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft bridge completion adapters - BRIDGE-F-2.5V, BRIDGE-QH-120-2.5V, BRIDGE-QH-350-10V, BRIDGE-QH-350-2.5V.englishV20-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Combustion analysis manualTechnical reference for Dewesoft combustion measurement and combustion engine analysis solution (CAE).englishV25-1pdf1/28/2025Download
CrossBow 440 manualThe user manual for the DEWESoft CrossBow 440 Series Inertial System addon. The addon can read angular rates, accelerometer, and temperature data from CrossBow devices at user-definable sampling rates. The AddOn requires Dewesoft X2 (32-bit) or higher.englishV2.0.3pdf7/22/2024Download 32-bit
C++ scripting manualDevelopers reference manual for C++ scripting inside DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV25-1pdf1/30/2025Download
Current transducers manual

Technical reference manual for Dewesoft current transducers (SIRIUSi-PWR-MCTS2, MCTS, MCTS2, CT1000, CT100, CT2000, CT200, CT400, CT500, DANISENS DM1200ID, DANISENS DL2000ID, DS-CLAMP-1000AC, DS-CLAMP-20DC, DS-CLAMP-300DC, DS-CLAMP-1000DC, DS-CLAMP-150DC, DS-CLAMP-150DCS, DS-CLAMP-15AC, DS-CLAMP-1800DC, DS-CLAMP-200AC, DS-CLAMP-200DC, DS-CLAMP-500DC, DS-CLAMP-500DCS, DS-CLAMP-5AC, DS-FLEX-30000-120, DS-FLEX-3000-17, DS-FLEX-3000-35-HS, DS-FLEX-3000-35, DS-FLEX-3000-80, DSI-5A, DSIi-10A, DSIi-20A, DS-SHUNT-05 manual).

DC-CT manualTechnical reference manual for the DC-CT-1000I-S22DA, compact and accurate 1000 A zero-flux current transducer based on ISOTEL proprietary technology and patented Platiše Flux Sensor (PFS).english23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DEWE-43A manualTechnical reference manual for DEWE-43A USB data acquisition system.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA manualSoftware user manual for Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA (Operational Modal Analysis) manual.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Dewesoft Historian manualTechnical reference for Historian database storage service for monitoring solutions.englishV24-4pdf2/19/2025Download
Dewesoft rotational and torsional vibration manualTechnical reference for Dewesoft rotational and torsional vibration measurement solution.englishV22-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Dewesoft Scanivalve plugin manual

DewesoftX has select support for third-party pressure scanner hardware from Scanivalve. It currently supports ethernet connection models DSA-3217-PTP, MPS-4264, and DSA-5000.

Dewesoft sound level solution manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft sound level measurement solution.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Dewesoft Testbed plugin manualManual for setting up Testbed plugin for integration with testbed control systems inside DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV25-1pdf1/13/2025Download
Dewesoft Velodyne lidar manualTechnical reference manual for setting up Velodyne lidar acquisition in DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DewesoftX analog out manualUser manual for DewesoftX analog output (AO) module.englishV24-1pdf7/23/2024Download
DewesoftX digital out manualUser manual for DewesoftX digital output (DO) module.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DewesoftX getting started manualQuick start manual for DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DewesoftX installation manualInstallation instructions manual for DewesoftX data acquisition softwareenglishV24-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DewesoftX math manualManual for DewesoftX math features including filters, statistics, and more.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DewesoftX sequencer manualSequencer module users manual for DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV22-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-CAL manualPDF installation and operation manual for DS Calibrator.englishV25-1pdf2/19/2025Download
DS-CAM-600 camera manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft DS-CAM-600 cameras.englishV21-3pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-CAM-640c and DS-CAM-1100m cameras manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft DS-CAM-640c and DS-CAM-1100m cameras.englishV23-2pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-CAM-88c, 120c, 175x, and 320c cameras manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft DS-CAM-88c, DS-CAM-120c, DS-CAM-175c, and DS-CAM-320c cameras.englishV22-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-CAN2 manualTechnical reference manual for DS-CAN2 2-channel CAN bus interface and analyzer.englishV23-2pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-DISP displays manualTechnical reference manual for DS-DISP-12, DS-DISP-13 and DS-DISP-15.englishV25-1pdf3/10/2025Download
DS-GPS-CLOCK manualDewesoft DS-GPS-CLOCK technical reference manual.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-GYRO3 manualTechnical reference manual for the Dewesoft DS-GYRO3 inertial measurement systems.englishV23-3pdf7/22/2024Download
DSI® adapters manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft Sensor Interface (DSI) adapters (DSI-ACC, DSI-ACC-0.16Hz, DSI-ACC-20mA, DSI-ACC-0.16Hz-20mA, DSI-RTD, DSI-THx, DSI-CHG, DSI-LVDT, DSI-V-200, DSI-20mA, DSIi-5A, DSIi-10A, DSIi-20). DSI adapters are compatible with all Dewesoft host amplifiers with DB9 connectors.englishV25-1pdf2/3/2025Download
DS-IMU and DS-GYRO manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft inertial measurement systems (DS-IMU1, DS-IMU2) and inertial measurement units (DS-GYRO1).englishV24-3pdf11/18/2024Download

Technical reference manual for Dewesoft DS-IRIG-ACDC device.

DS-IRIG-CLOCK manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft DS-IRIG-CLOCK IRIG synchronized clock source device.englishV20-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-IS-10 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-IS-10 inertial vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-IS-20 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-IS-20 inertial vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-IS-40 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-IS-40 inertial vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-IS-5 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-IS-5 inertial vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-MS-100 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-MS-100 modal vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-MS-20 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-MS-20 modal vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-MS-250 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-MS-250 modal vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-MS-440 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-MS-440 modal vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-PM-100 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-PM-100 permanent magnet vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-PM-20 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-PM-20 permanent magnet vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-PM-250 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-PM-250 permanent magnet vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-PM-440 vibration shaker manualUser manual for Dewsoft DS-PM-440 permanent magnet vibration shaker.english1.0pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-VGPS-HSC manualDewesoft DS-VGPS-HSC technical reference manual.englishV23-2pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-VGPS-HS manualDewesoft DS-VGPS-HS technical reference manual.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
DS-WIFI manualDewesoft DS-WIFI wireless data acquisition technical reference manual.englishV24-1pdf12/12/2024Download
Electric motor power analysis manualUser's manual for the electric motor power analysis module. The motor power analysis is part of the Dewesoft power calculation module and includes the usage of multiple other math modules and widgets as well.englishV23-2pdf3/12/2025Download
E-Mobility demo user manual

User manual for E-Mobility DEMO. Designed for experimentation, teaching, and demonstration purposes.

EtherCAT accessories manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft EtherCAT accessories (ECAT-SYNC-JUNCTION, ECAT-POWER-INJECTOR, ECAT-POWER-JUNCTION, ECAT-GPS-JUNCTION, ECAT-REPEATER, DS-HUBe7)englishV23-1pdf1/8/2025Download
Excel writer manualSoftware user manual for Excel writer add-on for DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV20-1pdf7/22/2024Download
FFT analysis manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft FFT analysis (Fast Fourier Transform) measurement solution.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IN1000-S manualUser manual for Dewesoft IN1000-S high-precision AC/DC zero-flux current transducer.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IN2000-S manualUser manual for Dewesoft IN2000-S high-precision AC/DC zero-flux current transducer.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IN500-S manualUser manual for Dewesoft IN500-S high-precision AC/DC zero-flux current transducer.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IOLITEiw-3xMEMS-ACC installation manualInstallation manual for the IOLITEiw-3xMEMS-ACC data acquisition devices.englishV24-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IOLITE® manualTechnical reference manual for IOLITE data acquisition and control systems. The manual covers IOLITE rack systems (R8, R8R, R12) and IOLITE modular systems (single- and multi-channel).englishV24-3pdf8/23/2024Download
IOLITE® modular accessories manualManual for the IOLITE modular single-channel accessories (power injector, repeater, and IP67 waterproof enclosures).english1.1pdf7/22/2024Download
IOLITE® X manualTechnical reference manual for IOLITE® X, an industrial real-time data acquisition system with a distributable form factor and different amplifiers. englishV24-2pdf9/13/2024Download
IT200-S manualUser manual for Dewesoft IT200-S high-precision AC/DC zero-flux current transducer.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IT400-S manualUser manual for Dewesoft IT400-S high-precision AC/DC zero-flux current transducer.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IT60-S manualUser manual for Dewesoft IT60-S high-precision AC/DC zero-flux current transducer.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
IT700-S manualUser manual for Dewesoft IT700-S high-precision AC/DC zero-flux current transducer.englishV21-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Kistler KiRoad Performance manualSoftware user manual for setting up Kistler KiRoad performance inside DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV23-1pdf7/22/2024Download
Kistler RoaDyn manualSoftware user manual for setting up Kistler RoaDyn inside DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV22-1pdf7/22/2024Download
KRYPTON® manualTechnical reference manual for KRYPTON® rugged data acquisition systems and KRYPTON® CPU processing computer and data logger.englishV25-1pdf2/3/2025Download
Lord Microstrain manualSoftware user manual for setting up Lord Microstrain devices inside DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV24-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Microphone correction manualSoftware user manual for the microphone correction module in the DewesoftX data acquisition software. The Microphone correction module is intended for noise measurements such as Static Engine Noise Certification measurements where sound pressure levels and spectral data must be corrected for both the microphone response, system response, sound incidence angle, air absorption, and many other corrections, allowing the test to adhere to the standards presuming such applied corrections.englishV24-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Microstrain MIP manualUsers manual for Microstrain MIP add-on for DewesoftX data acquisition software.english1.1.0.pdf7/24/2024Download
Modal test and modal analysis manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft modal testing and modal analysis solutions.englishV24-1pdf11/15/2024Download
Modbus TCP/IP client manualSoftware user manual for DewesoftX Modbus TCP/IP client plugin.englishV23-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Modbus TCP/IP server manualSoftware user manual for DewesoftX Modbus TCP/IP server plugin.englishV23-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Mounting plates manualTechnical reference manual for mounting plates for Dewesoft data acquisition systems.englishV25-1pdf2/3/2025Download
NAVION® i2 manualUser and technical reference manual for Dewesoft NAVION® i2 inertial navigation systemenglishV25-1pdf1/7/2025Download
NAVION® i2 quick start manualBefore NAVION® can be connected to the network, the IP address has to be configured to the same subnet as the device. This quick-start manual will drive you through the initial setup.englishpdf7/24/2024Download
NEMOSENSE technical reference manualTechnical reference manual for NEMOSENSE vibration data logger and IoT device.englishV25-2pdf2/28/2025Download
Network switches manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft network switches (DS-6xLAN, DS-18xLAN). Network switches open a vast range of connectivity for Ethernet-supported DAQ devices. Power over Ethernet functionality makes connecting with only one cable easy to power, connect, and sync devices such as XHS-PWR.englishV24-1pdf9/18/2024Download
OBSIDIAN® manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft OBSIDIAN® data loggers and embedded data acquisition (DAQ) systems.englishV24-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Online data export manualUsers manual for Online data export add-on for DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV21-1pdf7/24/2024Download
OPC UA client manualSoftware user manual for DewesoftX OPC UA client addon.englishV25-1pdf2/6/2025Download
OPC UA server manualSoftware user manual for DewesoftX OPC UA server addon.englishV24-2pdf8/13/2024Download
Orbit analysis solution manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft orbit analysis solution.englishV23-2pdf7/24/2024Download
Order analysis manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft order tracking analysis solution.englishV23-1pdf1/17/2025Download
Photron high-speed cameras manualUsers manual for using Photron high-speed cameras inside DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV22-2pdf7/24/2024Download
Polygon manualSoftware user manual for DewesoftX polygon plugin for virtual polygon testing scenarios.englishV24-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Polygon manual (deprecated)Software user manual for old DewesoftX Polygon plugin (V21-1). The Polygon version has been updated substantially in the DewesoftX 2023.2 version, so we strongly suggest you upgrade to DewesoftX 2023.2 and refer to the new Polygon manual (V23-2).englishV21-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Power solutions manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft power analysis and power quality analysis measurement solutions (voltage, current, and electrical power measurements).englishV21-2pdf7/24/2024Download
Processing markers manualSoftware user manual for DewesoftX processing markers.englishV21-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Rotor balancing manualSoftware user manual for Rotor Balancing add-on for DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV25-1pdf3/11/2025Download
RT60 reverberation time manualSoftware users manual for RT60 reverberation time module inside DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV21-1pdf7/30/2024Download
RTK (Real-Time Kinematics) manualSoftware user manual for Dewesoft RTK navigation (Real-Time-Kinematics).englishV23-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Safety technical reference manualSafety technical reference manual for the Dewesoft data acquisition devices.englishV23-1pdf7/24/2024Download
SerialCom software manualSoftware manual for DewesoftX SerialCom plugin. SerialCom plugin is used for communication with serial ports (RS232 and RS485).englishV20-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Siemens S7 manualSoftware user manual for DewesoftX Siemens S7 protocol communication plugin.englishV21-1pdf7/24/2024Download
SIRIUS® manualTechnical reference manual for SIRIUS and SBOX data acquisition systems. This manual covers SIRUS modular slices, portable all-in-one systems (R1DB, R2DB, R8DB), SIRIUS waterproof, and SIRIUS rack systems (R2, R3, R4, R8, R8rt) as well as all SBOX processing computers.englishV25-1pdf2/3/2025Download
SIRIUS® XHS manualTechnical reference manual for SIRIUS XHS data acquisition systems - SIRIUSi-XHS-4xHV-4xLV, SIRIUSi-8xACC, SIRIUSi-8xUNI, and others.englishV24-2pdf7/24/2024Download
SIRIUS® XHS-PWR manualTechnical reference manual SIRIUS® XHS-PWR data acquisition systems.englishV23-1pdf7/24/2024Download
SIRIUS® XHS-PWR safety manualSafety operation manual for the SIRIUS XHS-PWR data acquisition systemsenglish22-2pdf7/24/2024Download
SIRIUS® X manualTechnical reference manual for SIRIUS X DAQ, a high-end module with up to 200 kS/s sample rate, easy and flexible connectivity, and a high channel count.englishV24-2pdf9/13/2024Download
Sound intensity manualTechnical reference manual for Dewesoft sound intensity measurement solution.englishV21-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Sound power manualTechnical reference manual for Sound Power measurement solution inside DewesoftX data acquisition software. englishV24-1pdf7/24/2024Download
SRS (Shock Response Spectrum) manualSoftware user manual SRS (Shock Response Spectrum) plugin in DewesoftX data acquisition software.englishV21-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Third-party EtherCAT masters technical reference manual

The user manual for integrating Dewesoft EtherCAT data acquisition and control devices with third-party EtherCAT masters.

USB accessories manualTechnical reference manual for the Dewesoft USB accessories (DS-HUB7, USB-EXTENDER-3.0-FO-Xm).englishV24-1pdf7/30/2024Download
VTS quick start guideQuick start guide for VTS (Vehicle Test Suite) package.englishV20-1pdf7/24/2024Download
Watchdog manualUsers manual for Dewesoft watchdog functionality. The watchdog timer functionality enables an external way to monitor the behavior of the DewesoftX® software.englishV22-1pdf7/24/2024Download