Education Test and Measurement Solutions

There is no substitute for making an actual measurement, and learning how sensors and DAQ systems are used to gather the data that is critical to analyzing a machine’s actual performance. Learning how to make accurate, subjective, and repeatable measurements is at the core of good science. Dewesoft is committed to supporting today’s and tomorrow’s engineers with training at our major office locations around the world. We also offer convenient online PRO training courses on our website, where students can earn a special Dewesoft PRO training T-shirt with a star for every 10 courses completed.

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Case Studies

Load Angle Measurement in Synchronous Machines

The article explores load angle measurement in synchronous machines using an incremental encoder and DewesoftX software. Students at HTL BULME conduct lab exercises to analyze rotor position and phase shifts. Using Dewesoft SIRIUS devices, they gain hands-on experience in synchronization and machine behavior. Future work will expand calculations with the Dewesoft Motor Analysis plugin.

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Case Studies

Development and Testing of a Hybrid Rocket Engine

Learn how hardware and professionals from Dewesoft played an essential role in testing and building a hybrid rocket engine, named Chimæra.

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Case Studies

Suspension Force Measurements On a Racecar

Race UP Team Electric switched to low aspect ratio tires, prompting suspension redesign. They validated stress estimation tools and measured loads with Dewesoft.

Carsten Frederiksen

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Case Studies

Haptic Rendering - A Virtual Reality Challenge

Learn how a group of students at the Sapienza University and INSA launched pilot project to evaluate brain response in conjunction with mechanical signals.

Carsten Frederiksen

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Case Studies

Non-Destructive Monitoring of Fruit Ripeness. Is My Avocado Ready-to-eat?

Radio6ense and Dewesoft developed a non-destructive test for monitoring the ripeness of fruits: electromagnetic, radio, mechanical, and vibration waves.

Carsten Frederiksen

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Case Studies

Simulation of the Human Heart Rate With Vibration Shaker and Function Generator

Dewesoft solutions were able to simulate a heart rate signal and mimic its actual physiologic signals for the quality control on the VentriJect Seismofit.

Carsten Stjernfelt

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