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Dewesoft Blog

Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How To Measure Torque?

Torque is a rotational force that is intended to rotate a driveshaft, screw, or wheel. Read this article to learn all about torque and how to measure it.

Grant Maloy Smith


Corporate News

Professor Pim van der Jagt Starts Dewesoft Benelux Subsidiary

Dewesoft is delighted to announce a new subsidiary in Benelux, which will be managed by Professor Pim van der Jagt. Contact Dewesoft Benelux now!

Primož Rome


Product Updates

New KRYPTON 4-Channel Counter Input Module

Learn more about the new KRYPTON-4xCNT rugged 4-channel counter module with each channel capable of 3x digital inputs, encoder, pulse-width and more.

Primož Rome


Product Updates

New IOLITE TH-HS Module - Universal High-Speed Thermocouple Input

Learn more about the IOLITEir-8xTH-HS the new version of the IOLITE thermocouple temperature module.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Dewesoft Data Acquisition Technology Explained

Find out which are the most important Dewesoft DAQ technologies and learn more about their principle of operation and how they improve the DAQ process.

Grant Maloy Smith


Product Updates

New KRYPTON TH-HS Module - Universal High-Speed Thermocouple Input

The KRYPTON product line now offers a brand-new amplifier for thermocouple sensor inputs. The amplifier offers universal thermocouple input.

Primož Rome


Product Updates

New SIRIUS MIC200 Amplifier for the Direct Input of Externally Polarized Microphones

The new SIRIUS MIC200 amplifier offers the direct connection for 200 V externally polarized microphones. See the complete specifications and release notes.

Primož Rome


Product Updates

New SIRIUS UNI Universal Strain Gauge, IEPE, Voltage, RTD, Resistance, and Current Amplifier

The new SIRIUS UNI amplifier offers a direct acquisition of strain gauge types, IEPE, voltage, RTD, and resistance signals. See the product release notes.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

The List of Wind Tunnel Testing Facilities

An up-to-date interactive list of different types of wind tunnel testing facilities for vehicle, aircraft, spacecraft, and structural testing.

Carsten Frederiksen


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Every Satellite Orbiting Earth and Who Owns Them

Who owns our orbit? Read this article to learn which governments, organizations, and companies own and operate the most satellites orbiting our Earth.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Volts, Currents, and the Basic Concepts of Electricity

In this article, we explain the basic concepts of electricity. Learn about volts, currents, and electricity which power everyday objects.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Strain Gauge Applications - Practical Uses of Strain Gage Sensors

Learn about countless strain gauge applications across all major industries, including aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, civil engineering, and more.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How to Choose the Right Data Acquisition System in 2025?

Choosing the right data acquisition system can be a challenge. See our complete guide on choosing the right DAQ system for your measurement application.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Sound and Noise Measurement with Microphone Transducers

Learn all about sound and noise, types of microphone transducers, and measurement devices used to measure sound level, pressure, power, and intensity.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Measuring Shock and Vibration with Accelerometer Sensors

The ultimate guide to shock and vibration measurement. Learn what is an accelerometer and what is the difference between various vibration sensors types.

Grant Maloy Smith


Corporate News

Dewesoft Italia Sponsors Valerio Lata the 125cc EMX European Champion

Dewesoft Italia is delighted to announce a new sponsorship deal with the 125cc EMX European Champion Valerio Lata for the season 2022.

Gabriele Ribichini


Case Studies

Coast-by Method for Measurement of Tire Noise According to ECE R117

Learn how the Dewesoft solution was used to perform coast-by noise measurements. The system can perform a tire noise test according to the regulations.

Carsten Frederiksen


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is Order Analysis: The Ultimate Guide

The ultimate guide to order tracking analysis. Learn how order analysis works, how to perform order tracking, and what are the common applications for it.

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2021.6 Released - Simplified SIRIUS XHS Handling, New Time ODS, Updates to Modal Test, Order Tracking, and XCP Master Modules

DewesoftX 2021.6 simplifies the interaction with the SIRIUS-XHS, introduces a new Time ODS module and brings improvements to the existing modules.

Matic Lebar


Corporate News

We Wish You All the Best in 2022!

Each year we're proud to see passionate customers in the most advanced industries in the world. Thanks to you we again managed to do the almost impossible.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What Is EtherCAT Protocol and How Does It Work?

Learn what is EtherCAT, how it works, its features, capabilities, applications, and how it is used by Dewesoft data acquisition and control systems.

Gabriele Ribichini


Case Studies

Electrical Testing of Automotive Components

Learn how a Dewesoft DAQ system has helped Melecs with automated testing and provided a flexible solution for electrical testing of automotive components.

Konrad Schweiger


Application Notes

Can Bridge Collapses Be Prevented by Continuous Structural Monitoring?

Continuous bridge structural monitoring systems utilizing MEMS accelerometers and operational modal analysis present key improvements in bridge safety.

Dino Florjančič


Case Studies

Car Seat Crash Test With a Catapult

Learn more about car seat crash tests with dummies. The results are used in the automotive & aerospace industry to evaluate seat behavior during an impact.

Nicolas Phan
