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Alessia Longo

Al Hoge

Bernard Jerman

Bojan Čontala

Carsten Frederiksen

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Dino Florjančič

Emanuele Burgognoni

Eva Kalšek

Franck Beranger

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Primož Rome

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Dewesoft Blog

Product Updates

New DAQ Amplifier Modules for IOLITE® Data Acquisition Systems

Dewesoft released new amplifier modules for the IOLITE, IOLITE LX, and IOLITEd data acquisition & real-time control systems. Check the new DAQ modules now.

Primož Rome


Case Studies

Construction Noise and Vibration Monitoring

Learn how the consulting company ACTS set up a Dewesoft monitoring system to ensure there wasn't excessive sound or vibration due to ongoing construction.

Rok Mesar


Application Notes

Force Measurements on Trampoline Jumpers

We teamed up with one of the best acrobat teams - the Dunking devils and measured the forces on the acrobat's body while jumping on a trampoline.

Jernej Sirk


Case Studies

Structural Health Monitoring of the Railway Viaduct

A railroad bridge in Saudi Arabia was observed for around 80 hours to evaluate its structural health with the monitoring system based on Dewesoft integrated sensing devices.

Rok Mesar


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is Modal Analysis: The Ultimate Guide

The ultimate guide to modal analysis. Learn about structural dynamics, modal testing, types of modal analysis, and practical modal test applications.

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup


Application Notes

ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle Testing With Velodyne Lidar Data Acquisition

The Dewesoft Velodyne Lidar module provides a simple and flexible solution for acquiring data of all types of Velodyne Lidar sensors for ADAS testing.

Carsten Frederiksen


Case Studies

Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) and Long-Term Structural Monitoring of a Jetty Structure

Learn how Operational Modal Analysis & Long-Term Structural Monitoring are vital to understand and optimize the dynamic behavior on a jetty structure.

Carsten Frederiksen


Application Notes

Integrated Power Measurement Solution With Patented High-Performance AC/DC Current Transducer

In this technote, we will provide more information on the new DC-CT technology with the innovative Platise Flux Sensor used in Dewesoft SIRIUS XHS-PWR.

Eva Kalšek


Application Notes

GoPro Camera and GNSS Data Acquisition Synchronized on a Mountain Bike

We have used the Dewesoft DS-IMU1 GNSS inertial measurement device and a GoPro camera to make dynamic measurements of the mountain bike performance.

Carsten Frederiksen


Case Studies

Combustion Analysis and Car Performance Tuning of BMW M5 Hurricane

Measurement technology from Dewesoft helped tune the engine of the BMW M5 Hurricane sports sedan to reach over 1000 hp and set a world speed record.

Carsten Frederiksen


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2021.1 Released - Processing Markers, New GPS Map, GigE Vision 2.0, and More

DewesoftX 2021.1 data acquisition software released. New processing markers, GPS map updates, GigE Vision 2.0 support, and more. Download FREE upgrade.

Matic Lebar


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How to Interpret the Data From Your Machine Condition Monitoring Solution?

Learn how to interpret and understand the vibration data from your condition monitoring system & protect critical machinery from failure. Start saving now.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How to Perform Condition Monitoring With Dewesoft Condition Monitoring Systems

Learn how to perform condition monitoring with Dewesoft Condition Monitoring Systems and identify problems of the critical machinery at the right time.

Grant Maloy Smith


Case Studies

Performance Testing and Measurement on Electric Boats

Dewesoft power analyzer & data acquisition system was used for performance testing and measurement of Alfastreet Marine electric boat. See the case study.

Bernard Jerman


Application Notes

The Influence of Shielded Cables on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

In this article, you will find out about the influence of shielded cables on electric and hybrid vehicles under real-drive test measurement and analysis.

Carsten Frederiksen


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

The List of Automotive Proving Grounds for Vehicle Testing [UPDATED 2024]

An up-to-date interactive list of automotive proving grounds for vehicle testing. Search for test tracks, proving grounds, and other vehicle test facilities.

Primož Rome


Product Updates

Earthquake Stresses the Need for Structural Monitoring Systems

Italian ESSEBI and Dewesoft supplies solutions for seismic monitoring based on a vibration data acquisition device bringing useful information and control.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What Is Condition Monitoring and Why Is Preventing Machinery Failures Important?

This article will teach you what is condition monitoring and how it can prevent machinery failure and lower your maintenance costs.

Grant Maloy Smith


Application Notes

Innovation in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition by Clemessy and Dewesoft

Clemessy and Dewesoft have been working in a strong partnership, supplying solutions for supervision, control, and high-quality data acquisition.

Carsten Frederiksen


Application Notes

Industrial Energy Consumption: Lower Carbon Emissions Through Supervision and Control

Reducing the output of carbon emissions is one of the most critical responses to climate change. Learn how Dewesoft DAQ helps in the field of supervision.

Carsten Frederiksen


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2020.2 Released - Orbit Analysis, Velodyne Lidar, Reporting Tool

DewesoftX 2020.2 DAQ software released. New reporting tool, orbit analysis, Velodyne lidar support, Historian database, and more. Download FREE upgrade.

Matic Lebar


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is Power Analysis and Electrical Power Measurement With Power Analyzer

In this article, you will learn what is power analysis and electrical power measurement, why do we need it, and how is performed with a power analyzer.

Grant Maloy Smith


Product Updates

VIB-ISO-BASE: Vibration Isolation Rack for SIRIUS and SBOX Waterproof

The vibration isolation rack VIB-ISO-BASE enables the use of SIRIUS and SBOX waterproof data acquisition systems to tackle the high vibration environments.

Carsten Frederiksen


Product Updates

DC-CT® Current Sensing Technology Explained

See how the new DC-CT® current sensing technology works and how it is compared to other current sensing technologies.

Primož Rome
