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Dewesoft Blog

Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Merging Data Acquisition and a Real-time Control Systems

In this article we will discuss how it is possible to integrate a full-featured DAQ system with a real-time control system getting the best of both worlds.

Grant Maloy Smith


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2021.4 Released - Processing Markers, Microsoft Word Reporting, New Channel Selector, and More

DewesoftX 2021.4. features an upgrade to the markers functionality, a new way of interfacing with Microsoft Word, and an expansion to the channel limits.

Matic Lebar


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Spectrum Analyzers for Sound and Vibration Analysis

Learn about real-time spectrum analyzers for sound and vibration measurements also known as vibration analyzers. See how they work and how they are used.

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup


Case Studies

Dewesoft Data Acquisition (DAQ) Integration with KS Tornado Testbed

Learn how Elin Motoren continuously got the vibration data from Dewesoft hardware and software into the Tornado testbeds via TCP/IP by a Dewesoft plugin.

Konrad Schweiger


Case Studies

Vibration Test on High-Voltage Reactor

Learn how vibration measurement with a power analysis solution is used to identify the differences in the level of vibrations on a high-voltage reactor.

Gabriele Ribichini


Case Studies

High-Voltage Switch Testing With Synchronizer

Learn how Dewesoft DAQ system and Power Analysis solution worked for checking the switching function of an old synchronous high-voltage circuit breaker.

Gabriele Ribichini


Case Studies

Vibration Analysis of MRI Scanner Mounting Points in a Semi-Trailer

Learn how Dewesoft customer performed vibration analysis at the resonance attachment points inside a MRI scanner laboratory. Read the case study.

Carsten Frederiksen


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What Is Signal Conditioning or Signal Conditioner?

The complete guide to signal conditioning in data acquisition. Learn what signal conditioning is, types of signal conditioners, and the technology behind.

Grant Maloy Smith


Case Studies

ISO 8528 Certification of Diesel Generators: Noise, Vibration, and Temperature Measurements

Dewesoft data acquisition systems are used to measure diesel generators for ISO 8528-1:2005 certification standards for sound, vibration, and temperature.

Carsten Frederiksen


Case Studies

Troubleshooting Industrial Timber Packaging

NorraTimber has some issues in the final packaging process of the finished timber. Learn how they solved the problem using Dewesoft measurement solutions.

Carsten Frederiksen


Application Notes

Human Body Vibration Measurements on a Motorbike

Motorcycle creates vibrations during the ride which can lead to risks. Read about the human body, whole-body and arm vibration measurements on a motorbike.

Vid Selič


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2021.3 Released - Modal Geometry Update, FFT Analyzer and Dewesoft NET Improvements, and more

Dewesoft announced DewesoftX 2021.3 release. The new version includes several new features and improvements. Download now and upgrade for free.

Matic Lebar


Corporate News

New Cooperation Between Dewesoft and Kistler

Dewesoft, the global market leader in DAQ and measurement is now cooperating with Kistler, the Swiss supplier of dynamic measurement technology.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

International Test and Measurement Validation Standards Supported by Dewesoft

Dewesoft products, software calculation or hardware DAQ, comply with international, national, and industry standards. Learn more about them in the article.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

When and Why to Use Isolated Amplifiers?

Learn why the usage of isolated amplifiers is highly recommended, in order to ensure reliable measurements, and protect your instrument from damage.

Grant Maloy Smith


Product Updates

7-Year Warranty Announced for Dewesoft Data Acquisition Systems

Dewesoft is pleased to announce a 7-year warranty for all of its DAQ systems. The warranty is valid worldwide and available at no additional cost.

Primož Rome


Corporate News

From Deep Mining to High-Tech - A Mosaic of Trbovlje and Zasavje

Learn more about the mining history of Trbovlje - from the deep miners to High-Tech companies of the Zasavje region including the Dewesoft company.

Carsten Frederiksen


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

The Importance of Isolation in Data Acquisition Systems

Electrical isolation is a separation of a circuit from other sources of electrical potential. Learn about importance of galvanic isolation in DAQ systems.

Grant Maloy Smith


Application Notes

How Wireless Mesh Network (Mesh WiFi) Enables Remote Data Acquisition

Check the application note how Dewesoft used and created a wireless mesh network (Mesh WiFi) to enable remote data acquisition on a large proving ground.

Matthew Engquist


Case Studies

Temperature Measurement on a Racing Car

Dewesoft temperature data loggers and OPTRIS infrared cameras are used to keep the state-of-the-art race car cool to ensure optimum performance and safety.

Loïc Siret


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2021.2 Released - New Modal Analysis Plugin, CEA and Power Module Update, Amplifier Status Information, and More

Dewesoft announced DewesoftX 2021.2 release. The new version includes the Modal analysis plugin, CAE and Power updates, and more. Download a FREE installer.

Matic Lebar


Case Studies

Road Load Data Acquisition and Vehicle Durability Testing in Extreme Environment

Find out more about the Dewesoft road load DAQ system with CAN FD and Kistler’s KiRoad support for the full vehicle, durability, and safety testing.

Thorsten Hartleb


Product Updates

High-speed SIRIUSi-XHS-8xACC Data Acquisition System for IEPE Sensors Released

See the latest edition to the SIRIUS® XHS product family - the 8 channel isolated standalone data acquisition system for IEPE/ICP sensor measurements.

Primož Rome


Product Updates

New DSI Adapters for Thermocouple Type E and Current Measurement

Dewesoft released new DSI adapters for thermocouple type E temperature measurement (DSI-TH-E) and updated 5A current measurement adapter up to 5A (DSI-5A).

Primož Rome
