Dewesoft Blog
Corporate News
SIRIUS landing on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
At this year’s “5 Minutes for Measurement” event at the University of Ljubljana Dewesoft handed over measuring equipment to be used by students.
Primož Rome
Case Studies
Rocket Engine Test on the ESA's Test Bench For Large Solid Propellant Boosters
Dewesoft data acquisition and control systems were used on the test bench for testing ARIANE VI rocket propellant boosters. Read the entire case study.
Carsten Frederiksen
Product Updates
Road2Rig Merges Real Drive Tests with Road Simulator Test Bench
In order to generate Road2Rig measurement data for the test bench, data are first collected from a vehicle in a real driving test.
Primož Rome
Dewesoft Events
Formula 1 Relies on Tailor-made High-speed DAQ from Dewesoft
Formula 1 racing teams rely on Dewesoft's measurement technology. With specialized measuring tools and our measuring instruments record data.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
Dewesoft X3 SP6 Released
Edition of the X3 software is highlighted by the official release of the C++ Script and a redesigned installer, along with a brand new software updater.
Matic Lebar
Product Updates
Leading the way in Automotive Acoustics
Measurement technology from Dewesoft sets the new tone. The manufacturers of exhaust systems are currently working more than ever on sound engineering.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
NASA Uses Dewesoft Knowhow to Reach for the Stars
Dewesoft DAQ products are regularly used for space exploration. In particular, NASA relies on Dewesoft technology. even in the latest large-scale projects.
Primož Rome
Corporate News
He Was Cooking for a Queen, Now for Dewesoft
The new kitchen operating since the beginning of this year, the food, thanks to our new chef Jure Kapelar, is just wonderful.
Primož Rome
Corporate News
Dewesoft - The Team You Will Love to Work With
In Dewesoft we give our employees the freedom to be creative and think outside the box.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
Dewesoft X3 SP5 Released
This new software version available with the latest installer has passed the most automated as well as manual tests of any Dewesoft installer to date.
Primož Rome
Application Notes
Improving Tractor Field Testing
Learn how Dewesoft products provide an effective solution for multi-physics validation of farm tractors.
Carsten Frederiksen
Case Studies
Structural Health Monitoring on World's Longest Bridge
Learn how the Dewesoft EtherCAT DAQ devices have become standard in distributed industrial monitoring of the world's longest bridge.
Carsten Frederiksen
Case Studies
Performance Tuning in Tractor Pulling Sport
By collecting data over a time span of just 1 minute the high-speed data provides a lot of useful information to optimize the tractor engine.
Carsten Frederiksen
Product Updates
Dewesoft 6 and Dewesoft 7 EOL Announcement
We are officially announcing EOL for Dewesoft software versions 6 and 7. Both software version will be no longer be available by the end of the year 2018.
Primož Rome
Application Notes
Brake Test On Tractors
Dewesoft products provide an effective solution for quick validation of braking parameters in the field.
Carsten Frederiksen
Case Studies
Vibration Measurement On a Truck GSO Hood
Dewesoft SIRIUS system was used for in-vehicle and MTS rig testing on potential solutions for field issues on the Hoods of some trucks.
Jake Rosenthal
Case Studies
Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) Test
Our customer, a new manufacturer of Electric Vehicles, needs to validate the performance of ADAS functions of their products. The AEB test was performed according to the GB/T 33577-2017 standard.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
ISO Lane-Change Manoeuvre Test (ISO 3888)
This application note shows how Dewesoft products provide an effective and flexible solution for quick validation and measurement of ISO Lane-change test.
Carsten Frederiksen
Case Studies
Vehicle Dynamics Testing Using Dewesoft VTS
Dewesoft Vehicle dynamics plugin is designed to carry on the pre-processing of the raw signals in accordance with the requirements of ISO standards for vehicle dynamics objective data analysis.
Carsten Frederiksen
Product Updates
Sound Intensity Measurement Solution Release
When “WHERE THE SOUND IS COMING FROM” is in question, nothing is as simple and intuitive as Dewesoft Sound Intensity Solution.
Primož Rome
Case Studies
Brake Test Testbed
The vehicle manufacturer wants to make tests for their new brake system in the brake test bed, measuring the brake line pressure values of four wheels.
Carsten Frederiksen
Product Updates
Dewesoft X3 SP4 Released
The new version of Dewesoft X includes several bug fixes and features, which improve the stability and expand the range of options.
Primož Rome
Application Notes
Objective Vehicle Dynamics Testing
Application note shows how Dewesoft products may provide effective solutions for vehicle dynamics testing.
Carsten Frederiksen
Product Updates
Dewesoft X3 SP3 Released
The new version of DewesoftX includes performance improvements on the already existing functionality, as well as an array of brand-new features.
Primož Rome