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Alessia Longo

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Dewesoft Blog

Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How Did They Do It? Testing the World's Fastest Train

A rigorous testing process ensured that the world's fastest train, the Shanghai Transrapid, would meet all required safety standards. Combined with finite element modelling, objective physical testing demonstrated the train's reliability and efficiency before it was officially opened to the public in 2003.

Grant Maloy Smith


Application Notes

Remote Temperature Monitoring of Production in Honey Bee Hives

A backyard beekeeper in northern Ohio, USA reached out to Dewesoft for some help to monitor the temperature and humidity of his bee barn and its twelve individual hives. Dewesoft’s application engineers jumped into action to find a solution.

Owen Maginity


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What Is an Inertial Navigation System?

Learn what inertial measurement units and systems are, how they work and why they are used. Get to know their importance to a wide range of applications.

Grant Maloy Smith


Corporate News

Measuring a New Guinness World Record for the Fastest Reverse-Driving

On October 7, the RIMAC hypercar Nevera set a new world record in reverse driving at the Papenburg proving grounds in Germany. Dewesoft measured and documented the speed record.

Matjaž Strniša


Application Notes

Two-plane Balancing on a Harvester Rotor

Maintaining rotor balance is vital for smooth operation, preventing severe vibrations, extending machine lifespans, and averting fatigue and material problems often tied to rotational frequency. This app note describes measuring the vibrations at the bearing points on the forage harvester to perform on-site balancing.


Product Updates


Introducing the IOLITEi-3xMEMS-ACC-T for affordable temperature monitoring on structures and IOLITE-2xMEMS-INC, a static inclinometer for monitoring bridges, viaducts, high-rise buildings, and wind turbines. It measures roll and pitch angles with precision.

Dino Florjančič


Case Studies

Motor Efficiency and Nvh Testing on High-Speed E-axle Drive

The HeAD project created a compact, high-performance electric axle drive for vehicles, capable of 24,000 RPM and 3000 Nm torque. To make this possible the project leader, partnered with Dewesoft for testbed integration and drive efficiency testing.

Konrad Schweiger


Application Notes

Correlating Friction Noise and Mode Coupling Instability in High-Performance Braking Materials

The brake pad industry considers unstable friction-induced vibrations a crucial issue that affects surface quality, braking performance, and noise. Dewesoft technology was used to study the link between contact instabilities, and dynamic excitation from frictional contact.


Corporate News

The Grand Opening of Dewesoft’s Expanded Headquarters

Dewesoft celebrated the grand opening of its expanded headquarters in September 2023. The expansion added two upper floors, a parking structure, storage space, eco-friendly features, and more.

Grant Maloy Smith


Application Notes

Finite Element Model Validation by Experimental Modal Analysis

Students at Polytechnic University of Turin design and build sailboats, using simulation software and Dewesoft data acquisition tools for structural analysis and validation.


Application Notes

Measuring Guinness Record-Setting Trampoline Dunking

At the acrobatics and trampolining event, Odbito in Slovenia, members of Dunking Devils aimed to set a new Guinness record combining trampoline jumping and basketball dunking. Dewesoft measurements verified the new record for the highest dunk from a small tarp.

Iza Burnik


Application Notes

Measuring and Analyzing Electric Motor Vibration

Electric motors are widely used in various engineering fields, from industry to automotive applications, but they bring vibration and noise challenges. Investigating vibrations and identifying frequencies are vital for optimizing electric motor efficiency.


Application Notes

Comparing Different Ways to Determine Roll Period

Roll motion, a key engineering challenge, affects system performance in aerospace, naval, and navigation fields. Minimizing roll oscillations is crucial for system stability. Dewesoft data acquisition systems were used to compare three roll period determination techniques.


Application Notes

Measuring Frequency Response Function (FRF) To Characterize Structure Dynamics on Racecar Chassis

The Frequency Response Function (FRF) is a fundamental tool in system dynamics, representing the ratio of a system's output response to an applied excitation. Engineers employ FRFs to analyze and characterize a structure's dynamic behavior.


Case Studies

Record-setting World Time Attack Racing Using Live Telemetry

The engineers at Bugatti Rimac had a mission: to set a new world record for a production EV (electric vehicle) on one of the most challenging tracks in the world - the Nürburgring Nordschleife in Germany.

Matjaž Strniša


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2023.5 Released - Enhanced Navion Plugin

The new version introduces an enhanced Navion plugin that provides comprehensive mounting visualization and an additional coordinate system based on the ISO 8855 standard. Furthermore, a new SRS graph widget is available, tailored for various NVH applications.

Eva Kalšek


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

The List of Data Acquisition Software Packages [UPDATED 2025]

Data acquisition software simplifies data collection, analysis, and recording from various sensors and devices. There are several data acquisition software packages available in the market, each with its own strengths and features. Read the article to see the list.

Primož Rome


Case Studies

Performance and Efficiency Testing of Actuators

Learn how the Dewesoft DAQ system has simplified the daily work of LOGICDATA, which develops mechatronic system solutions for adjustable furniture.

Konrad Schweiger


Case Studies

Measuring and Monitoring Athletic Performance

Learn how SuperTrening leverages technology to measure and enhance athletic performance through collaboration with Dewesoft, ensuring accurate measurement.

Carsten Frederiksen


Product Updates

Introducing Our Latest EtherCAT Accessories

Discover new EtherCAT accessories for Dewesoft devices. From DS-HUBe7, ECAT Repeater, adapters, cables an more.

Jaka Ogorevc


Product Updates

DewesoftX 2023.4 Released - Condition-Based Channel Limits and More

Discover the powerful new features of DewesoftX 2023.4! Enhance your measurements with condition-based channel limits and dynamic axis scaling.

Eva Kalšek


Case Studies

Multi-Parametric Monitoring of Volcanic Activity at Stromboli

Italian authorities are monitoring active volcanoes with an integrated system to predict risks and acquire data on volcanic activity. Discover how!

Marco Ribichini


Case Studies

Dynamic Structural Monitoring of a Highway Bridge

Learn about a revolutionary bridge safety project by Slovenian company Cestel, using Dewesoft sensors to monitor structural health and prevent collapses.

Rok Mesar


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How Did They Do It? Testing the Saturn V Rocket

The article discusses the testing methods used for the Saturn V rocket, which was the largest and most powerful rocket ever built and played a crucial role in the Apollo Moon missions. The testing program involved various procedures to ensure the rocket's reliability and performance.

Grant Maloy Smith
