Eva Kalšek

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 · 0 min read

DewesoftX 2024.2 Released - New Spreadsheet Widget, DewesoftRT Device View, and More

We are excited to introduce DewesoftX 2024.2, our latest release packed with exciting updates. In this release, the new device view offers a clear overview of standalone devices and their functionalities. A powerful spreadsheet widget will enhance your data reporting capabilities. We've also updated our licensing mechanism, offering an additional countable license for the Functional Generator module. Furthermore, our video solution expands with the ability to stream IP cameras.

Remember to explore the What's New section for a comprehensive look at all new beneficial upgrades and features we have included in the DewesoftX 2024.2 version. 

Device view for standalone devices (DewesoftRT) 

With its new interface, DewesoftX introduces a dedicated view for standalone devices. This view is available for devices equipped with the latest DewesoftRT platform. It provides detailed insights into the devices’ internal drive access and configuration options for modules operating within each device.

Accessing this feature is easy. Simply click on the Dewesoft logo in the software’s left corner to toggle between the local and device views, with the option to lock the sidebar for a more focused preview. We've introduced a new colour scheme for the device view to enhance clarity, making distinguishing between the two options easier.

Accessing Device-view

The local view grants access to channels from all connected devices and processing modules offered by DewesoftX. In the device view, you’ll see the selected device’s analog channels and its associated device functionalities. In both Measure or Analyze modes, you can access the device's internal drive, open or download setup, or save data files directly on the device. 

Analyze mode: Device-view and available files from the device.

Different sets of device modules are available depending on the connected device. Currently, the OBSIDIAN platform offers a broader range of device modules compared to the XHS device. 

List of device modules on OBSIDIAN platform devices

Spreadsheet widget

Our new spreadsheet widget can streamline data presentation and organization, particularly for data reports. 

You can display data in cells arranged in rows and columns, with the flexibility to format text using various font styles, sizes, colours, and alignments or simply copy text from other editors. You can change the background colour of each cell and merge cells for better organization. For reporting needs, you can further customize spreadsheet borders and colours. The data ordering option in columns is also available for ease of use. 

Spreadsheets widget

Spreadsheet widgets offer a simplified process by allowing users to select predefined expressions directly from the editor. These expressions include options for presenting channel data and setup or data file properties. For a complete list and description of these expressions, you can refer to our detailed F1 manual.

Spreadsheets widget: Expressions

Improved licensing mechanism 

The redesigned licensing mechanism inside DewesoftX improves your experience. DewesoftX no longer prevents you from exiting the settings. In case of a license conflict, it only prevents data from being stored. This feature is incredibly beneficial, as it allows offline configuration of setup files, even without an active license. You can then quickly deploy these setup files in the field with actual measurement units that contain a valid license.

Being able to exit settings also resolves the issue of not being able to adjust the setup parameters in the analyze mode of modules like Sound Power and Polygon, only with a license written in the data file. You can even add additional math modules for which you don't have a license, but you cannot recalculate data until a valid license is present. On the new license status toolbar, DewesoftX will inform you about any conflicts.

License status toolbar

Finally, licenses are now adequately transferred through the whole DewesoftNET system. Options available on the individual measurement units are also available to all clients connected to the system - see the picture below. 

License transfer in Dewesoft NET

Updated licensing for function generator

We are introducing a new countable licensing model for the Function generator module. You no longer need to purchase licenses for unlimited analog outputs. Optimizing cost and resource utilization, you can purchase licenses per channel. Scale effortlessly by adding single-channel licenses (DEWESOFT-OPT-1xFG) and leverage the Function generator module’s full potential with each license.

Once inside the Function Generator module, you can modify any AO channel, regardless of the license option. However, If you exceed the licensed number of used channels, a warning informing you will appear in the status bar. In such cases, data acquisition will not start when you go to measure mode. Please note that in this software version, you cannot transfer the new license via Dewesoft NET. 

Functional generator and new licensing model

IP camera extension

The DewesoftX Video option now includes our new IP camera module which supports a wide array of IP cameras featuring various TCP/IP streaming protocols like RTSP. 

In this initial version, you can effortlessly add one IP camera to your setup by entering its URL in the module settings. Video decoding options are default, though some advanced customization is possible. The video data synchronizes seamlessly with your existing analog input data. Please note that the frame rate depends on the camera’s specifications and network capabilities, ideally reaching up to 30Hz. We provide this plugin offering you enhanced flexibility and functionality without extra expenses.

IP Camera module

What else is new? 

You will find additional details about all features listed below on Dewesoft’s Engineering support Portal:

  • The analog sensors editor now display sensors min/max values

  • Absolute min/max values reset when you reset the OVL status per channel

  • The overload display, Marker table, Legend, and 2D/3D widgets now support mouse scroll. 

  • Software support of the new IOLITEi 4xCAN-FD module.

  • Rotor balancing improvements - the results table includes trial mass position info, and phase convention can be changed.

  • Power module improvements (added new period frequency channel output to CPU calculation, added an option to output period values on exactly one-period intervals, and added support for fundamental period values for variable frequency in CPU calculation).

DewesoftX 2024.2 is a free upgrade for all Dewesoft customers and is compatible with all Dewesoft data acquisition systems. You can download the upgrade from our download center, where you will also find a changelog listing all the minor improvements and bug fixes.