Product Updates
Product Updates
Dewesoftx 2023.3 Released - Electric Motor Efficiency Analysis and More
We are excited to announce the release of DewesoftX 2023.3. Our latest release is packed with powerful new functionalities and long-awaited upgrades.
Eva Kalšek
Product Updates
New IOLITE® 8xACC IEPE/ICP Vibration Measurement Amplifier
The IOLITE product family is now richer for a module for measuring vibration using IEPE/ICP accelerometers.
Jaka Ogorevc
Product Updates
New IOLITE® Modular Amplifier Modules
When you need to have your DAQ system as close as possible to the sensor, this new line of distributable multi-channel IOLITE systems is the way to go. As of today, the following modules are available in the IOLITE modular product range.
Jaka Ogorevc
Product Updates
Introducing Navion® i2: The High-Performance Inertial Measurement Unit
NAVION i2 is a Dewesoft inertial navigation system platform that provides accurate position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration measurements.
Matjaž Strniša
Product Updates
Announcing DS-GYRO3: A High-Performance Inertial Measurement Unit
The DS-GYRO3 is a high performance MEMS-based inertial measurement unit (IMU) for measuring orientation and direction.
Matjaž Strniša
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2023.2 Released - New Virtual Polygon module and other cool updates
Dewesoftx 2023.2 Released - New Virtual Polygon Module and Other Cool Updates
Eva Kalšek
Product Updates
The New SIRIUSi-XHS-PWR-1000A-UNI With Accessories
We are proud to officially announce the launch of the SIRIUSi-XHS-PWR product family, Dewesoft’s solution for safe high-power in-vehicle measurement.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
New IOLITEr-8xLVe voltage amplifier with sensor excitation
IOLITEr-8xLVe is perfect solution for measurements with various types of industrial sensors. It is a high-channel DAQ device with easy sensor connectivity.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2023.1 Released - Aircraft Power Analysis, Processing Markers & Orbit Analysis Updates
DewesoftX 2023.1 offers a range of new functionalities and updates to existing modules, providing you with even more functionality and capabilities.
Eva Kalšek
Product Updates
New SIRIUS HS-HV Amplifier
We have upgraded the SIRIUS HS-HV amplifier (high voltage) to version HVv3. It now offers a maximum measuring range of 2000 V. See the product announcement.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
SBOXe and SBOXre Performance Upgrade
The SBOXe and SBOXre industrial PCs are now available with a faster and more powerful 11th generation Intel® Core™ processor. See the product announcement.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
New Isolated High-speed IOLITEi 8xRTD-HS Module
The IOLITEi 8xRTD-HS is a channel-to-channel isolated RTD module for stable temperature measurements in an EMC harsh environment. See the module details.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2022.4 Released - KiRoad Module Improvements, EtherCAT ENI Export Module, Improved Axis Visualizations
DewesoftX 2022.4 is now upgraded with KiRoad module improvements, EtherCAT ENI export module, improved Axis visualizations, and more.
Eva Kalšek
Product Updates
Dewesoft ARTeMIS OMA (Operation Modal Analysis)
OMA is often used as an advantage when analyzing the structural dynamics of civil engineering structures, operating machinery, and other structures.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2022.3 Released - Modal Test Improvements, New Orbit Waveform Widget, IFFT Filtering
DewesoftX 2022.3 is now upgraded with modal test improvements, new orbit waveform widget, IFFT, high-DPI compatibility, analog-in grid expansion, and more.
Eva Kalšek
Product Updates
Dewesoft IOLITE Awarded a Plant Engineering Product of the Year Award
Dewesoft was named the silver trophy winner in the Control Systems category, for the IOLITE industrial data acquisition system.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2022.2 Released - DirectX Graphics, GPU Accelerated Calculations, New Widgets
We are pleased to announce the release of DewesoftX 2022.2. The new release brings significant graphics optimizations, a new power module, and many other features.
Eva Kalšek
Product Updates
Announcing the new Dewesoft ARTeMiS Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) Solution
Dewesoft partners with Structural Vibration Solutions A/S and releases a complete operational modal analysis (OMA) solution using the ARTeMIS OMA software.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
DewesoftX 2022.1 Released - UI and Usability Improvements, Modal Analysis Updates, Scanivalve Support, MOOG Controller Acquisition
DewesoftX 2022.1 is fully compatible with Windows 11. It introduces box-zoom, updated modal analysis module, Scanivalve pressure scanner & Moog controller.
Eva Kalšek
Product Updates
New DS-CAM Cameras: DS-CAM-640c and DS-CAM-1100m
We are releasing two no DS-CAM camera models (DS-CAM-640c and DC-CAM-1100m) which are replacing outdated DS-CAM-600 models. See full release notes.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
New KRYPTON 4-Channel Counter Input Module
Learn more about the new KRYPTON-4xCNT rugged 4-channel counter module with each channel capable of 3x digital inputs, encoder, pulse-width and more.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
New IOLITE TH-HS Module - Universal High-Speed Thermocouple Input
Learn more about the IOLITEir-8xTH-HS the new version of the IOLITE thermocouple temperature module.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
New KRYPTON TH-HS Module - Universal High-Speed Thermocouple Input
The KRYPTON product line now offers a brand-new amplifier for thermocouple sensor inputs. The amplifier offers universal thermocouple input.
Primož Rome
Product Updates
New SIRIUS MIC200 Amplifier for the Direct Input of Externally Polarized Microphones
The new SIRIUS MIC200 amplifier offers the direct connection for 200 V externally polarized microphones. See the complete specifications and release notes.
Primož Rome