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Alessia Longo

Al Hoge

Bernard Jerman

Bojan Čontala

Carsten Frederiksen

Carsten Stjernfelt

Dino Florjančič

Emanuele Burgognoni

Eva Kalšek

Franck Beranger

Gabriele Ribichini

Glacier Chen

Grant Maloy Smith

Helmut Behmüller

Iza Burnik

Jaka Ogorevc

Jake Rosenthal

Jernej Sirk

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Karla Yera Morales

Kayla Day

Konrad Schweiger

Leslie Wang

Loïc Siret

Luka Jerman

Marco Behmer

Marco Ribichini

Matic Lebar

Matjaž Strniša

Matthew Engquist

Michael Elmerick

Nicolas Phan

Owen Maginity

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Primož Rome

Rok Mesar

Rupert Schwarz

Samuele Ardizio

Simon Kodrič

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup

Thorsten Hartleb

Tirin Varghese

Urban Kuhar

Valentino Pagliara

Vid Selič

Corporate News

Corporate News

Katapult - The Startup Accelerator in Zasavje

Dewesoft has established a local entrepreneurship scene by opening its own startup accelerator called Katapult which houses promising start-ups.

Primož Rome


Corporate News

DEWE-world is Merging and Getting Stronger

Dewesoft acquired two Austrian companies, TVE Elektronische Systeme GMBH in Vienna and DEWEnet Instruments GMBH in Graz.

Primož Rome


Corporate News

Combining Tradition and Innovation - A Mind for Change

Insights from the industrial workshop on the hill, where one of the most advanced products in the world of measurement industry is created.

Primož Rome


Corporate News

SIRIUS landing on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

At this year’s “5 Minutes for Measurement” event at the University of Ljubljana Dewesoft handed over measuring equipment to be used by students.

Primož Rome


Corporate News

He Was Cooking for a Queen, Now for Dewesoft

The new kitchen operating since the beginning of this year, the food, thanks to our new chef Jure Kapelar, is just wonderful.

Primož Rome


Corporate News

Dewesoft - The Team You Will Love to Work With

In Dewesoft we give our employees the freedom to be creative and think outside the box.

Primož Rome


Corporate News

DEWESoft becomes certified ISO 14001 company

We are really proud to announce that we have just become a certified TÜV SÜD ISO 14001 company.

Primož Rome
