Application Notes
Application Notes
How Wireless Mesh Network (Mesh WiFi) Enables Remote Data Acquisition
Check the application note how Dewesoft used and created a wireless mesh network (Mesh WiFi) to enable remote data acquisition on a large proving ground.
Matthew Engquist
Application Notes
Force Measurements on Trampoline Jumpers
We teamed up with one of the best acrobat teams - the Dunking devils and measured the forces on the acrobat's body while jumping on a trampoline.
Jernej Sirk
Application Notes
ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle Testing With Velodyne Lidar Data Acquisition
The Dewesoft Velodyne Lidar module provides a simple and flexible solution for acquiring data of all types of Velodyne Lidar sensors for ADAS testing.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Integrated Power Measurement Solution With Patented High-Performance AC/DC Current Transducer
In this technote, we will provide more information on the new DC-CT technology with the innovative Platise Flux Sensor used in Dewesoft SIRIUS XHS-PWR.
Eva Kalšek
Application Notes
GoPro Camera and GNSS Data Acquisition Synchronized on a Mountain Bike
We have used the Dewesoft DS-IMU1 GNSS inertial measurement device and a GoPro camera to make dynamic measurements of the mountain bike performance.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
The Influence of Shielded Cables on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
In this article, you will find out about the influence of shielded cables on electric and hybrid vehicles under real-drive test measurement and analysis.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Innovation in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition by Clemessy and Dewesoft
Clemessy and Dewesoft have been working in a strong partnership, supplying solutions for supervision, control, and high-quality data acquisition.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Industrial Energy Consumption: Lower Carbon Emissions Through Supervision and Control
Reducing the output of carbon emissions is one of the most critical responses to climate change. Learn how Dewesoft DAQ helps in the field of supervision.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Energy Consumption Test of an Electric Motorcycle
See how to analyze the energy consumption of the electric motorcycle (electric motorbike) under real-life driving conditions using Dewesoft Power Analyzer.
Rupert Schwarz
Application Notes
Evaluation of Human Response to Vibrations in Buildings - UNI 9614:2017
Learn how Dewesoft data acquisition systems and whole-body vibration software are used to measure and evaluate human response to vibrations in buildings.
Samuele Ardizio
Application Notes
Economizer Testing - Do Energy Savings Through Harmonic Filters Really Work?
With help of a highly precise Dewesoft power analyzer, we checked if electric power economizers really save 10% of energy as economizer manufacturers claim!
Gabriele Ribichini
Application Notes
Energy Flow Analysis of Electric Vehicle With Power Analyzer
In the process of electric vehicle development, producers need to perform energy flow analysis on vehicles under development for best economic performance.
Glacier Chen
Application Notes
Automated Motor Gear Testing and Quality Control
Learn how SIRIUS DAQ system is used for testing and quality assurance of the automated motor gear unit test bench and integrated with PLC & SCADA systems.
Patrick Fu
Application Notes
Condition Monitoring of Paper Mill Press Section Roles
By installing the Dewesoft Machine Condition Monitoring solution paper mills get a reliable solution to detect bearing issues for its press section rolls.
Rok Mesar
Application Notes
LED Testing - Efficiency and Power Quality Analysis
Using Dewesoft Power Analyzer we investigate the efficiency and power quality of LED lights according IEC 61000 on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Rupert Schwarz
Application Notes
Road Load Data Logger and Signal Conditioning for MTS Test Bench
Dewesoft DAQ systems integrate and feed real-time data to 3rd party EtherCAT masters like MTS FlexTest (road simulator). See how the solution works.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Sound Power Level Measurement on a Notebook Computer
See how to perform a sound power level measurement according to ISO 3744 with the Dewesoft Sound Power solution in a semi-anechoic chamber.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Real-Drive Test of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Dewesoft has been actively working to provide flexible and powerful measurement systems specially designed for electric and hybrid drivetrains.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Improving Tractor Field Testing
Learn how Dewesoft products provide an effective solution for multi-physics validation of farm tractors.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Brake Test On Tractors
Dewesoft products provide an effective solution for quick validation of braking parameters in the field.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
ISO Lane-Change Manoeuvre Test (ISO 3888)
This application note shows how Dewesoft products provide an effective and flexible solution for quick validation and measurement of ISO Lane-change test.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Objective Vehicle Dynamics Testing
Application note shows how Dewesoft products may provide effective solutions for vehicle dynamics testing.
Carsten Frederiksen
Application Notes
Hybrid Boat Power Analysis
See the case study on how the analysis of hybrid boat drivetrains that use sustainable energy sources can lead up to a 20% improvement in fuel efficiency.
Carsten Frederiksen