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Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Sound and Noise Measurement with Microphone Transducers

Learn all about sound and noise, types of microphone transducers, and measurement devices used to measure sound level, pressure, power, and intensity.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Measuring Shock and Vibration with Accelerometer Sensors

The ultimate guide to shock and vibration measurement. Learn what is an accelerometer and what is the difference between various vibration sensors types.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is Order Analysis: The Ultimate Guide

The ultimate guide to order tracking analysis. Learn how order analysis works, how to perform order tracking, and what are the common applications for it.

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What Is EtherCAT Protocol and How Does It Work?

Learn what is EtherCAT, how it works, its features, capabilities, applications, and how it is used by Dewesoft data acquisition and control systems.

Gabriele Ribichini


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Data Acquisition Synchronisation and Timing Methods

Learn all about data acquisition synchronization and timing methods and how they are used to synchronize single or multiple Dewesoft DAQ systems.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How Are ADAS Systems and Autonomous Vehicles Tested?

Learn how complex ADAS systems and autonomous vehicles are tested with vehicles and human drivers interacting on real roads under realistic conditions.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

FFT Analysis (Fast Fourier Transform): The Ultimate Guide to Frequency Analysis

This is the ultimate guide to FFT analysis. Learn what FFT is, how to use it, the equipment needed, and what are some standard FFT analyzer settings.

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is a Signal Amplifier and How Does it Work?

Learn what is a signal amplifier, how does it work, its applications, benefits, and how they are used in the context of a data acquisition (DAQ) system.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

ADAS Standards and ADAS Safety Protocols

See the list of organizations and standards that take care of various aspects of vehicle safety, which necessarily involve ADAS and autonomous vehicles.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Types of ADAS Sensors in Use Today

Learn about key types of ADAS sensors used in today's autonomous vehicles. What are lidar, radar, sonar, cameras, and GNSS sensors? Read the entire guide.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)?

Learn about ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and its safety features designed to remove the human error component when operating vehicles.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Merging Data Acquisition and a Real-time Control Systems

In this article we will discuss how it is possible to integrate a full-featured DAQ system with a real-time control system getting the best of both worlds.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Spectrum Analyzers for Sound and Vibration Analysis

Learn about real-time spectrum analyzers for sound and vibration measurements also known as vibration analyzers. See how they work and how they are used.

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What Is Signal Conditioning or Signal Conditioner?

The complete guide to signal conditioning in data acquisition. Learn what signal conditioning is, types of signal conditioners, and the technology behind.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

International Test and Measurement Validation Standards Supported by Dewesoft

Dewesoft products, software calculation or hardware DAQ, comply with international, national, and industry standards. Learn more about them in the article.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

When and Why to Use Isolated Amplifiers?

Learn why the usage of isolated amplifiers is highly recommended, in order to ensure reliable measurements, and protect your instrument from damage.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

The Importance of Isolation in Data Acquisition Systems

Electrical isolation is a separation of a circuit from other sources of electrical potential. Learn about importance of galvanic isolation in DAQ systems.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is Modal Analysis: The Ultimate Guide

The ultimate guide to modal analysis. Learn about structural dynamics, modal testing, types of modal analysis, and practical modal test applications.

Søren Linnet Gjelstrup


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How to Interpret the Data From Your Machine Condition Monitoring Solution?

Learn how to interpret and understand the vibration data from your condition monitoring system & protect critical machinery from failure. Start saving now.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

How to Perform Condition Monitoring With Dewesoft Condition Monitoring Systems

Learn how to perform condition monitoring with Dewesoft Condition Monitoring Systems and identify problems of the critical machinery at the right time.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

The List of Automotive Proving Grounds for Vehicle Testing [UPDATED 2025]

An up-to-date interactive list of automotive proving grounds for vehicle testing. Search for test tracks, proving grounds, and other vehicle test facilities.

Primož Rome


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What Is Condition Monitoring and Why Is Preventing Machinery Failures Important?

This article will teach you what is condition monitoring and how it can prevent machinery failure and lower your maintenance costs.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

What is Power Analysis and Electrical Power Measurement With Power Analyzer

In this article, you will learn what is power analysis and electrical power measurement, why do we need it, and how is performed with a power analyzer.

Grant Maloy Smith


Data Acquisition Knowledge Base

Measuring Position and Displacement With LVDT Sensors

In this article, you will learn how to measure position and displacement with LVDT sensors, how they work, and how you can use them in your testing.

Grant Maloy Smith
