12 reviews

SIRIUS® XHS​​​​​​ 4xHV, 4xLV3-Phase Power Analyzer

The SIRIUS® XHS is a modular 3-phase power analyzer (AC) plus 1-phase DC. It features HybridADC signal conditioning technology that allows high-bandwidth (5 MHz) and high-speed (15 MS/s) transient recording with exceptionally high dynamic range and alias-free data acquisition.

It includes modern data interfaces such as USB 3.0, GLAN, XCP, CAN, and OPC UA with PTP synchronization, ensuring open and flexible connectivity. SIRIUS® XHS is the ultimate high-speed power analyzer, offering unparalleled performance and versatility.

15 MS/s/ch

15 MS/s/ch

5 MHz bandwidth

5 MHz bandwidth



High Voltage

High Voltage

Isolation CAT II 1000 V

Isolation CAT II 1000 V

Isolation CAT III 600 V

Isolation CAT III 600 V



AC current

AC current

DC current

DC current





Strain and Stress

Strain and Stress





Sound pressure

Sound pressure

DSI compatible

DSI compatible

TEDS compatible

TEDS compatible









Counter and Encoder

Counter and Encoder

CAN bus

CAN bus



CAN out

CAN out

Galvanic isolation ±1000 V

Galvanic isolation ±1000 V

USB 3.0

USB 3.0







-10°C to +50°C

-10°C to +50°C

Shock rating 75g

Shock rating 75g



PoE (Power Over Ethernet)

PoE (Power Over Ethernet)

PTP synchronization

PTP synchronization

IRIG and GPS timecode

IRIG and GPS timecode

openDAQ compliant

openDAQ compliant

SIRIUS® XHS​​​​​​ 4xHV, 4xLV highlights

Easy to use

Dewesoft power analyzers offer plug-and-play capabilities with the award-winning DewesoftX software. The hardware and sensors are automatically detected. Just select the input channels and power parameters you wish to calculate, and the power analyzer module will handle the rest.

HybridADC signal conditioning technology

HybridADC delivers the best of both worlds, combining high bandwidth and dynamic acquisition capabilities. It features 16-bit ADCs with up to 5 MHz bandwidth and a sampling rate of up to 15 MS/s for high-speed data collection. Additionally, it offers high-dynamic, alias-free acquisition with a sampling rate of up to 2 MS/s. Modes are software selectable for every input channel.

15 MS/s @ 5 MHz bandwidth

SIRIUS® XHS instruments offers up to 15 MS/s sampling rate with 5 MHz bandwidth. It captures transients down to microseconds levels. The sampling rate is software selectable for every analog input channel.

High dynamic alias-free acquisition

SIRIUS® XHS implements alias-free filtering which allows the acquisition of analog signals in 24-bit resolution with up to 150 dB dynamic range at 1 MS/s sampling rate. 

Smallest Form Factor

With the standard SIRIUS-sized chassis you can easily carry the SIRIUS XHS in your backpack along with your laptop for field measurements.

PTP synchronisation

Even though users can select some channels to be high bandwidth and some to be alias-free, filtering is designed in such a way that all signals are perfectly time aligned with zero phase shift. Multiple devices can be synced together using the PTP synchronization method.

Modern Data Interfaces

GLAN interface allows the distribution of devices with the PTPv2 synchronization. The USB 3.0 interface is there for the fastest data transfer to the PC computer. OPC UA, CAN and XCP data interfaces allow easy integration into the 3rd party system and test benches.

Open protocol support

Data is transferred to any host using the open OPC UA industry-standard protocol. In parallel the data is available over XCP or CAN protocols, allowing connection to ECU calibration software packages like ETAS INCA or Vector Canape.

High galvanic isolation

High channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground isolation up to CATII 1000V. This prevents damage to the systems from excessive voltage and avoids ground loops.

Additional inputs

Our power analyzer can also measure different signals such as IEPE, thermocouples, digital counters, speed, angle, GPS, CAN, XCP, FlexRay, video, etc. all fully synchronized.

Current sensors

We offer and support all types of current sensors, such as zero-flux current transducers, AC/DC current clamps, Rogowsky coils, and shunts. These sensors are true RMS sensors available in a variety of models and are powered directly by our power analyzers.

Power calculations

The system calculates over 100 power parameters, including P, Q, S, PF, and cos phi. It also offers full raw data recording capabilities, as well as features like an oscilloscope, FFT, and harmonics analysis. These calculations can be performed both online and in post-processing.

Raw data storage

Dewesoft power analyzers always store raw data, giving you the flexibility to recalculate all parameters during post-processing. This ensures complete data integrity and allows for detailed analysis and validation after the measurement is complete.

GPU processing

Even at sample rates as high as 15 MS/s, the Power Analyzer software delivers real-time calculations by leveraging GPU multi-core graphics card processing.

Software included

Every Dewesoft data acquisition system is bundled with award-winning DewesoftX data acquisition software. The software is easy to use but very rich and deep in functionality. All software updates are free forever with no hidden licensing or yearly maintenance fees.

Dewesoft quality and 7-year warranty

Enjoy our industry-leading 7-year warranty. Our data acquisition systems are made in Europe, utilizing only the highest build quality standards. We offer free and customer-focused technical support. Your investment into the Dewesoft solutions is protected for years ahead.

Next-gen power and power quality analyzer

The SIRIUS® XHS is a cutting-edge power analyzer capable of capturing voltage and current signals at up to 15 MS/s and with a 5 MHz bandwidth. This makes it exceptional for electrical power and power quality analysis, delivering the highest precision possible.

Bundled with DewesoftX software, the SIRIUS® XHS includes a power analysis module that calculates various power and energy parameters, such as P, Q, S, D, power factor, and Cos φ for each harmonic, among many others.

The SIRIUS® XHS stores raw data from all connected channels and automatically calculates the specified power, power quality, and mechanical parameters. These parameters can be visually displayed in multiple formats, including recorder graphs, digital and analog displays, scopes, and vectorscopes.

Leveraging a computer graphics card (GPU) as a multi-threaded calculation platform, the DewesoftX software and its power module can compute power parameters at full 15 MS/s sampling rate for multiple phases in real-time.

Learn more about Dewesoft electrical power measurement solutions:

HybridADC signal conditioning technology

Which ADC converter is better? SAR ADC or Delta-sigma ADC? Well, now it doesn't matter anymore. SIRIUS XHS data acquisition systems introduce Hybrid ADC signal conditioning technology. HybridADC offers the best of both worlds. It allows users to select modes of operation for each analog input channel:

  1. High bandwidth mode: This mode offers an extremely high bandwidth of 5 MHz and a 15 MS/s sampling rate. SIRIUS XHS instruments can perfectly acquire impulse, step, and square signals without any ringing or overshooting. Such a mode is perfect for transient recording and applications such as power analysis. Such acquisition mode is typically found in SAR ADCs.

  2. High dynamic alias-free mode: This mode operates at sampling rates of up to 2 MS/s, acquiring data with a dynamic range of up to 150 dB. It employs an alias-free filter with a bandwidth closely aligned with the Nyquist criterion, making it ideal for frequency domain analysis of signals such as sound and vibration (NVH). This performance closely mirrors that of Sigma-Delta ADCs.

By today's data acquisition standard, you would need two independent data acquisition devices for the measurements mentioned above. The SIRIUS XHS DAQ systems allow you to select the sampling rate independently per channel. This ensures that all measurements fit your current testing application. All modes are available on one device and can also work in parallel - acquiring two channels at different rates, bandwidths, and dynamic ranges completely synchronous with each other.

High-end signal conditioning amplifiers

The SIRIUS XHS provides several amplifiers that utilize our new HybridADC technology. The input channel configuration can be freely configured with one of the following signal amplifiers: 

  • XHS-HV: Highly isolated CATII 1000V amplifier. Measure in a range of 200 V to 2000 V peak directly. 5 MHz bandwidth. 0.03% accuracy. This amplifier is perfect for the direct connection of high-voltage signals.

  • XHS-LV: Highly isolated voltage input amplifier. Measure in a range of 0.05 V to 100 V. 5 MHz bandwidth. 0.03% accuracy. It offers sensor excitation. This amplifier is perfect for directly connecting low-voltage signals and current transducers.

  • XHS-ACC: Highly isolated IEPE/ICP and voltage input amplifier. Offers 2 mA - 20 mA IEPE excitation current. Offers TEDS support and high-temperature stability.

Noise floor, common-mode rejection, and gain and offset drifts at lower sampling rates are comparable to the SIRIUS DualCoreADC amplifiers. SIRIUS XHS amplifiers are perfect for high-speed data acquisition, transient recording, e-mobility measurements, and power analysis, where the highest precision is an absolute necessity.

Amplifiers overview

SIRIUS® XHS data acquisition systems can use any of the available amplifiers. 8 amplifiers (analog input channels) can be installed in one SIRIUS® XHS modular chassis. You can mix different amplifier types and select your custom front-end, the way it suits your needs.

ACCExt. shunt

*DSI = Dewesoft Sensor Interface. Learn more about DSI adapters.

You can see the full SIRIUS® XHS and its amplifier specs by clicking on the tech specs button on the top menu bar.

SuperCounters®: precise speed and angle measurement with counter and encoder sensors

Dewesoft data acquisition systems utilize a patented and registered trademark technology called SuperCounter®.

Counter inputs can measure the RPM and angle of rotating machines. In comparison to standard counters, which only output integer numbers one sample later (e.g. 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4), the Dewesoft SuperCounter inputs are able to extract accurate values like 1.37, 1.87, 2.37, etc. fully synchronized for time and amplitude.

This is done by measuring the exact time of the rising edge of the signal with an additional counter. Our SuperCounter inputs work on a 102.4 MHz time base, independent of the current analog sampling rate.

Counter inputs are fully synchronized with analog, CAN bus, and other data sources to enable easy applications like balancing, order tracking, and torsional vibrations.

SIRIUS® XHS digital counter inputs

As highlighted earlier, the SIRIUS® XHS data acquisition systems boast Dewesoft's cutting-edge SUPERCOUNTER® technology across all eight counter inputs. The counter inputs are available for all SIRIUS® XHS instruments, providing users with enhanced counter/encoder input capability.

Conveniently located on the back panel of the SIRIUS® XHS instrument, the counter inputs ensure easy accessibility and seamless connection of all sorts of counter and encoder sensors via the LEMO 1B 7-pin female connectors.

The counters boast a timebase of 150 MHz, a maximum bandwidth of 15 MHz, and a 32-bit resolution. Dewesoft SUPERCOUNTER® features advanced input filtering to address glitching issues. Counter inputs are compatible with 3.3 V TTL/CMOS logic levels.

SIRIUS® XHS counter inputs support all these modes:

  • Event counting

  • Waveform timing

  • Encoder

  • Tacho

  • Geartooth

Each counter channel comes with three standard inputs (A, B, Z) necessary for encoder applications. It also provides +12 V and +5 V for sensor supply, along with digital output for alarming and fast triggering.

The counter channels can also be used as a digital output. Digital outputs utilize 5 V push-pull logic with a fast triggering option. The triggers out module enables digital outputs based on custom conditions. Either from the analog input channel or digital input channel. This trigger option operates in real-time on the hardware itself. Users have the flexibility to customize the shape of the output pulse in terms of delay and duration.

The total response time can go below 500 ns, proving beneficial in time-critical applications such as emergency shutdowns or alarms.

PTP synchronization

SIRIUS® XHS instruments utilize Precision Time Protocol (PTP) synchronization. The Precision Time Protocol is a protocol used to synchronize clocks throughout a computer network.

If you combine and mix analog channels coming through Sigma-Delta and SAR ADCs (high-bandwidth and alias-free), channels are delayed due to the sigma-delta filter group delay. SIRIUS® XHS can run both modes perfectly aligned and synchronized. This is achieved by the nature of the HybridADC and filtering design.

Multiple SIRIUS® XHS devices can be connected together in synchronization with each other using the PTPv2 synchronization method, IRIG, NTP, or PPS signal. This provides absolute time synchronization using in-house time servers or GPS time.

SIRIUS® XHS is also backward compatible and it can be synchronized with any other Dewesoft data acquisition devices like standard SIRIUSKRYPTONIOLITEDEWE-43A, etc.

Channel-to-channel galvanic isolation

SIRIUS DAQ devices offer high galvanic channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground isolation (±1000 V). The DAQ systems even offer isolated sensor excitation.

With such isolation, we have no problem measuring high voltage potentials and no problem with common-mode voltages. We are also safe with measurements like vibrations, temperatures, or any other measurement where non-isolated sensors are placed next to the high voltage potential against the DAQ system ground. In such cases, a non-isolated DAQ system would burn or at least give faulty wrong results. With SIRIUS it is just one thing less to worry about.

Digital isolation has another big advantage - preserving the frequency bandwidth of the amplifiers. SIRIUS provides "worry-free" measurements, less noise, no ground loops, and the best possible signal quality.

For less demanding measurement and lower-cost applications, SIRIUS DAQs are also available in a differential version where only power supply isolation is offered.

Intuitive and easy to use

Using Dewesoft data acquisition systems does not require any complex configuration setups or programming knowledge. We also kept this in mind when designing SIRIUS® XHS.

Plug-and-play technology with smart sensors and advanced TEDS is supported by default. This makes performing measurements with the Dewesoft DAQ systems easier than riding a bike. You will be ready to measure in no time. 

Getting precise and graphically rich results is easier than ever. The drag-and-drop user interface of bundled DewesoftX software will allow you to define your measurement screens and results in no time. A rich mathematics library for signal processing is also available one click away. Just connect the right widget with your input channel and Voila! Works like magic.

Great connectivity with open and standard data protocols

SIRIUS® XHS has two ways of transmitting the data to the PC:

  • Ethernet interface (GLAN): perfect for distributed data acquisition.

  • USB 3.0 (Type C connector): perfect for very high-speed data acquisition.

SIRIUS® XHS acquires data with a very low load on the computer's CPU. It uses a​​​​​​​ DMA transfer on the system level to reduce loads.

In today’s world of open toolchains and intercommunication, devices should be compliant with standard protocols. SIRIUS® XHS can serve acquired data via these protocols, all in parallel to storing data on a PC running DewesoftX software.

  • OPC UA: This is the industry standard and is a perfect framework where the devices can be integrated into any system, including SCADA, MES, ERP, and others.

  • XCP: XCP is a very widely used protocol in the automotive industry for data exchange. In modern vehicles, the required data bandwidth is higher than ever. 1 GBIT XCP interface allows data transfers with as high as 1 Ms/s.

  • CAN and CAN FD: Vehicle bus systems can be read through the included CAN FD interface. At the same time, SIRIUS XHS allows the measured data to be transmitted in the CAN FD format.

Expand channel count and distribute measurement

SIRIUS® XHS slices can be used as a stand-alone DAQ device or stacked and daisy-chained together into a larger channel count system. Stacking systems together is made simple with easy click-mechanism.

If you need a distributed data acquisition system, then SIRIUS® XHS devices can easily be distributed via the GLAN interface. Data and PTP synchronization are available with a single ethernet cable running from node to node.

SIRIUS® XHS devices are also compatible and can be interconnected with other Dewesoft DAQ systems like SIRIUS, KRYPTON, or IOLITE.

Working with multiple SIRIUS® XHS instruments is as easy as working with a single unit. Configuration is seamless inside our DewesoftX data acquisition software.

Compatible with various current sensors

Correct current transducers are essential for electrical measurements. Our power analyzers are compatible with a wide range of different current sensors. We are offering different current sensor types that match perfectly with our power analyzers:

  • DC-CT® current transducers

  • Zero-Flux transducers

  • Iron-core current transformers

  • Hall-compensated current clamps

  • Fluxgate current clamps

  • Rogowsky coil current probes

  • Shunts

All our current sensors feature TEDS and can be powered directly from our power analyzers. For more information refer to:

  • DC-CT® current transducer product page

  • Current sensors product page

Sensor calibration and accuracy

Voltage and current transducers always have a frequency-dependent amplitude error and phase shift. With Dewesoft’s X unique software calibration technology, amplitude and phase can be corrected for the entire frequency range from DC up to 1 MHz.

All internal curves, such as filter response, are corrected inside the software. The Dewesoft sensor database includes correction curves for a variety of transducers, including iron-core clamps, AC/DC clamps, Rogowski coils, and grid current and voltage transducers.

Various wiring configurations with simple and intuitive setup

The DewesoftX data acquisition software offers a visual selection of different wiring schematics and provides power calculations for all possible connections.

Predefined Power Schematics:

  • Direct Current

  • Single-Phase

  • Two-Phase

  • Star Connection

  • Delta Connection

  • V Connection

  • Aron Connection

  • Combined Star/Delta Connection

These connections can be measured with or without currents. Thanks to the modular construction of our measurement devices and the multiple synchronized power modules in our software, Dewesoft can also analyze 6, 7, 9, or 12-phase motors.

To learn more about each connection, please look at the Dewesoft Power Analysis free online training or the Dewesoft Power Manual.

Frequency source selection

The Dewesoft Power Analyzer allows users to choose the frequency source for their measurements. The available options are:

  • Voltage

  • Current

  • External frequency source

This feature is especially beneficial when measuring inverters. Inverter measurements can be tricky due to the PWM-modulated voltage signal, which makes it difficult to determine the correct period of time. On the other hand, the current signal is generally less distorted because of the high inductance in the motor coil.

Therefore, using the current signal as the frequency source is often a better choice for inverter measurements. This approach ensures accurate frequency determination for every application.

Electrical power calculations

DewesoftX data acquisition software automatically records raw voltage and current data while simultaneously calculating and storing all power parameters, including:

  • Active Power (P), Reactive Power (Q), Apparent Power (S), Distortion Power (D)

  • Cos φ, Power Factor

  • P, Q, Cos φ for each harmonic

Multiple power system calculations

Dewesoft power analyzers can measure multiple power systems simultaneously. For example, the Dewesoft R8D power analyzer can synchronously measure up to eight 3-phase systems. Dewesoft supports power analysis across various frequencies, including DC, 50 Hz, and variable frequencies, while accommodating all wiring configurations, such as single-phase, 2-phase, 3-phase star, 3-phase delta, 3-phase Aron, and 3-phase V, ensuring versatile and precise measurements for any application.

Mechanical parameters measurement

Dewesoft power analyzers can also measure mechanical values like torque, speed, noise, temperature, and vibration in complete synchronization. This allows you to perform also thermal, NVH and efficiency calculations in parallel to electrical power.

Accurate frequency calculation

A single Dewesoft power analyzer and data acquisition system can measure multiple power modules simultaneously, each with an independent frequency. Supported line frequencies include:

  • 16.7 Hz: Railway Sector

  • 25 Hz: Public Grid

  • 50 Hz: Public Grid

  • 60 Hz: Public Grid

  • 400 and 800 Hz: Aerospace

  • Variable Frequency: E.g., power inverters

Period values calculation

Our power analyzers also calculate period values of voltage and current, power components, power factor, and symmetrical components. Users can define cycle calculations and the overlap percentage.

Star-delta connection calculation

The system can calculate all values and waveforms for star connections from a delta connection and vice versa, displaying waveforms for U1, U2, U3 ↔ U12, U23, U31.

Efficiency and loss mapping of AC motors and inverters

Electric motor and inverter efficiency analysis aims to enhance motor performance by optimizing the efficiency of the electric input power relative to the mechanical output power. This process can involve using Clarke and Park transformations, which provide a better understanding of the relationship between the input line phase, the induced magnetic field, and the mechanical rotation angle.

All relevant settings for this type of analysis are now consolidated under the new Motor Analysis tab within the Power module. This tab includes:

  • Motor analysis setup options

  • Transformations and efficiency calculations

  • Integration with multiple new stand-alone math modules

The Motor Analysis module utilizes various math modules and widgets, such as:

  • Resolver sensor

  • 2D/3D mapping

  • Contour plot widget

For more detailed information, refer to the following resources:

Easy power quality analysis

DewesoftX Harmonic FFT software feature enables the visualization of harmonics in:

  • voltage,

  • current,

  • active and reactive power,

  • line voltage,

all fully synchronized to the fundamental frequency.

Power quality standards

Our power analyzer supports a wide range of power quality standards, including:

  • Voltage and Current Flicker


  • Interharmonics, Full and Half-Sidebands

  • Rapid Voltage Changes (RVC)

These measurements and analyses ensure compliance with multiple industry standards, making it easier to maintain optimal power quality.

Energy calculation

The Dewesoft Power module also automatically calculates the energy of the measured system. This feature enables the calculation of both positive and negative energy, providing a comprehensive understanding of the system's performance.

Additionally, the Math module allows users to calculate efficiency, essential for evaluating and optimizing system operations. This capability is particularly beneficial in various applications, such as:

  • Recuperation Brake Systems: Analyze the energy recovered during braking to improve system efficiency and performance.

  • Battery Testing: Measure energy input and output to assess battery efficiency, capacity, and overall health.

These features make Dewesoft Power Analyzers a versatile and powerful tool for energy calculation and efficiency analysis across different applications.

Rich visualization

After setting up the power module, you can configure and customize the measurement screen. The most relevant display widgets for electrical power analysis and power quality include the following display widgets:

  • Digital Meters: Display various instantaneous values calculated by the power module with unit support. Learn more.

  • Recorder and X/Y Recorder: The Dewesoft power analyzer provides visual recorder displays for time-domain data, showing all parameters in individual intervals. The X/Y recorder can generate orbital plots online. Learn more about Recorder and X/Y recorder.

  • Scope: Shows waveforms of voltages and currents, including line-to-line (U12, U23, U31) and line-to-earth (U1, U2, U3) voltages. Learn more.

  • Vector-Scope: Visualizes the relationships between voltages and currents for up to 3-phase systems. Multiple vectorscopes and individual harmonics can be displayed simultaneously. The "transparent" function allows for direct comparisons of phasors. Learn more.

  • Harmonic FFT: Offers a simple and comprehensive analysis of harmonics for voltage, current, power, and reactive power, all synchronized to the fundamental frequency of the signal. Learn more.

  • Contour plot: A 2D graphical representation that uses contours or color-coded regions to display 3D data. This visualization technique helps to reveal patterns and relationships in complex datasets, such as efficiency maps for motors, making it easier to understand and analyze the information. Learn more.


Award-Winning Data Acquisition Software Included for Free

Dewesoft data acquisition systems are bundled with award-winning DewesoftX data acquisition software. It is the world's most advanced and easy-to-use data recording and signal processing software. Software and hardware work together like magic. It offers simplicity as well as deep functionality to tackle any test and measurement task.

And the best part? You get lifetime FREE software updates and technical support. Software is evolving all the time. New major releases are released every 3 months constantly adding new features, optimizations, and other improvements. There are no hidden costs and will remain free forever.

Plug and Play

Connecting the DAQ system and sensors could not be faster or easier. DewesoftX software will automatically detect the connected DAQ systems and TEDS-equipped sensors will configure the channel configuration automatically. Features like:

  • Hardware auto-detection.

  • Smart sensors.

  • Sensor database.

  • Advanced TEDS sensor support.

  • Built-in unit conversion.

  • Real-time signal preview.

  • Wiring schematics.

will make you ready for measurement in seconds. Spend less time configuring your DAQ hardware and be more productive. Time is money!

Measure and Store

Powerful storing capabilities with more than 500 MB/s sustained stream rates mean you can always store data at full speed and never again worry about losing data that could compromise your tests. DewesoftX storing features offer:

  • Real-time data acquisition.

  • Synchronized acquisition of analog, counter, video, GPS, CAN bus, and many other sources.

  • Advanced triggering and alarms.

  • Single or multi-file storage.

  • Remote and distributed network storing.

  • Automated test sequences.

Even if you store gigabytes of data, our innovative data file format​​​​​​​ will ensure you can reload and analyze your data as fast as in a blink of an eye.

Analyse and Publish

NVH, structural testing, power analysis, and more. Forget about using several complex software solutions to record and analyze your data. DewesoftX offers one-stop shop for all test and measurement tasks. Our software offers:

  • Online and offline mathematics.

  • Flexible real-time visual displays.

  • Synchronized video support.

  • PDF and Word reporting tools.

  • Data export to many standard file formats.

  • Unlimited FREE license seats to view and analyze stored data.

DewesoftX is designed with the mindset of a test engineer and offers a complete testing solution in a single software package that is easy and joy to use.

Lifetime Free Updates

We are offering no-bluff or hidden cost licensing model for our data acquisition software. A new major version is released every three months bringing new features, performance boosts, bugfixes, with no additional cost to you. All updates for our existing users are free forever.

Unlimited License Seats

Our licensing model offers unlimited seats for analysing the recorded data. The recorded data file will bundle the license. Simply share data file with your colleagues and they can download software for free and ready to fully analyze the data. No additional licenses are needed.

Free Technical Support

We are putting our customers first. Free worldwide technical support is available for our DAQ software and hardware. Our technical support team is responsive and will attend to every support request and solve it in the fastest possible manner. Local technical support in our local offices is also available for you at no extra cost.

Lovedby Many Engineers

I have never encountered a company as competent as yours. Respect! You will always be encouraged and supported by me.

It has been a long day, but before going home I wanted to say few things. Thank you from the bottom of my engineer heart and in the name of OneSubsea for what you did today! Yesterday at 10 PM I sent you an email asking for urgent help on a Saturday morning. 30 minutes later you replied you would come. This morning you were 5 people involved in resolving the issue. I have never experienced such customer service! Thanks again, customer service matters a lot to us, and today's response blew me away.

Dewesoft has transformed our approach to measurements. Prior to using Dewesoft, it would take us hours or even days to set up our measurement equipment. But now, everything can be done in a matter of minutes. With a clear data overview and multiple export formats, our work has become much more efficient. We greatly appreciate the almost instant support and assistance provided by Dewesoft. Any special requests or suggestions are addressed in a very short time. Truly, Dewesoft is the ultimate Swiss knife of the measurement world.

I wanted to personally write to you and tell you how impressed I am with Dewesoft products. The whole Dewesoft team impressed me as extremely happy, smart, and dedicated.

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