Matic Lebar

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 · 0 min read

DewesoftX 2020.2 Released - Orbit Analysis, Velodyne Lidar, Reporting Tool

The Dewesoft team is pleased to announce the release of DewesoftX 2020.2. The new version includes a lot of upgrades to functions used by the majority of users, such as:

  • New 3D Graph With Processing Markers

  • Simple Reporting With the Redesigned Reporting Tool

  • Historian Time-series Database Module

  • Orbit Analysis

  • Velodyne Lidar Support

  • Optris Infrared Thermal Cameras support

  • Other features 

The new DewesoftX 2020.2 release is a FREE upgrade for all existing DewesoftX users. Download the DewesoftX upgrade installer.

New 3D graph with processing markers

The brand new 3D Graph can now display the whole time history of vector channels while having its view perfectly synchronized with the recorder when zooming in and out or replaying data in the analysis.

Replacing info channels, processing markers can be added directly via the graph on wanted positions using the cursor snapping function, allowing you to identify peaks more easily. The cuts that are extracted now create actual Dewsoft channels, which can be displayed on widgets or further processed in any math module. When the position of a cursor is changed, its values, as well as all of its linked mathematics, are automatically recalculated.

Simple reporting with the re-designed reporting tool

The interface for creating simple reports in Dewesoft has received a major overhaul. Report displays are now a separate entity, representing a piece of paper in the format of choice with either landscape or portrait orientation. Since the dimensions of report pages are fixed, all display widgets that get added will keep their aspect ratio when printing, generating a PDF file, or switching between monitors.

Another key difference between regular and report displays is that each report display can save a custom zoom region and cursor position, therefore allowing you to make context notes based on specific points in the signal. Along with a customizable header, footer, and font size, multiple pages can be stringed together into a full report that has a print preview available at the left edge of the screen, while the built-in page designer allows you to reorder pages or add new ones using the right-click.

Sample report page in DewesoftX 2020.2

Historian time-series database

Historian is Dewesoft’s time-series database solution for monitoring applications and long-term testing applications.

It allows you to monitor raw data (vibration, temperature, inclination, strain, pressure...) as well as data derived from Dewesoft’s math modules (statistics, filters, FFT, etc.) with a self-hosted or a fully cloud-managed service. The standard OPC UA protocol is supported for data access and integration into the DewesoftX data acquisition software, SCADA's, ERP's, or any other OPC UA clients. 

Dewesoft Historian Time-series database with Grapahana web client for high-level data overview

Learn more:

Orbit analysis with new orbit plot

Steady, continuous operation with as little malfunctions and vibration as possible is essential for maximizing productivity and ensuring reliable operation of any machine. To achieve this, accurate measurement and analysis of rotational vibration data are absolutely crucial.

As we understand this importance and have years of experience when it comes to rotational data, we have taken our order tracking solution as a base and built a brand new orbit analysis solution module around it.

Out of the box, Dewesoft’s solution packs the entire set of industry-proven analysis metrics, supporting calculation and graphical representation of:

  • Raw orbit

  • Averaged orbit

  • Filtered orbit

  • Polar plot

  • Bode plot

  • Shaft centerline

  • Full-motion graph

  • Clearance circle

  • Runout compensation

  • Reference orbit

  • A complete set of waterfalls

Learn more:

Aircraft display widgets

Several aircraft indicators have been added to Dewesoft’s portfolio of display widgets. The previously available Attitude indicator has been upgraded to the Attitude and heading reference system indicator that features Slip indication along with several different display styles and field of view possibilities:

Velodyne Lidar support

The complete Velodyne Lidar family is supported by the new Velodyne module. Communication and connection of single or multiple devices are done over Ethernet. Velodyne Lidars allow PPS synchronization input and NMEA GNSS messages which are available in DewesoftX DAQ software as standard channels from the module.

The DS-IMU inertial measurement unit device is fully compatible to be connected and synchronized with the lidar. The device can also be connected in soft-sync. Status of the Lidar and setting of the RPM can be done from DewesoftX, so no other software is necessary to use the Lidar during measurement. 

Video export of the DewesoftX datafile recording from Velodyne sensor

Two channels are available from the device - distance and intensity of points. Visualization of the point cloud is handled by the map display widget where the street map or satellite layers are overlaid with the point cloud. 

Optris thermovision camera support

The Optris camera module allows you to visualize, store, and analyze the data acquired with Optris Thermovison camera models XI400, PI400, and PI640. Dewesoft offers these models in its product portfolio, but existing camera units can of course also be used in Dewesoft’s software with the corresponding software license. 

Data acquired with an Optris camera

The data from the camera can be post-processed in the math module and displayed on widgets such as the 3D graph. An example of this can be seen in the image below.

The module uses the Optris PIX Connect software in the background to set the camera up and acquire the data. Most camera settings can be set directly inside DewesoftX data acquisition software, whereas a more detailed camera configuration can be done in the Optris PIX Connect software, opened directly from Dewesoft’s Optris module.


Vector stacking math module

The Vector stacking math module stacks single value vector channels into a matrix in a user-defined order. When using channels imported from different data files, it is also possible to automatically sort them by date in analyze mode.

SN-curves eurocode 3 standard support

S-N curves from the Eurocode 3 standard were added to the DewesoftX S-N curves editor. The implementation of these curves will improve and speed up the usage of the Fatigue testing module.

DewesoftX S-N curves editor

Custom CAN bus baud rates

The ability to define custom CAN baud rates was added to the CAN module, wherewith basic settings, the user can define baud rate and the sample point, and with advanced settings define bit timing parameters that define the baud rate and sample point. Only baud rates supported by the device at the given clock can be created.

DewesoftX CAN bus custom baude rate