Wednesday, February 15, 2023 · 2 min read
Dewesoft X3 SP2 Released
The Dewesoft team is pleased to announce the release of the new Dewesoft X3 SP2.
The new version of Dewesoft X includes several bug fixes and features, which improve the stability and expand the range of options. Here are some of the new improvements:
Remote desktop protocol added to Dewesoft NET
Until now the Dewesoft NET only worked with VNC. With Dewesoft X3 SP2, we have also added support for Windows remote desktops.
Added speed boost mode for multiple SIRIUS EtherCAT slices
This feature allows us to sample data with 200 kHz on any Sirius EtherCAT slice. To use this option, connect any SIRIUS from the EtherCAT chain with an additional USB cable.
Support for new hardware:
added support of KRYPTON-4xDO
Added device preview for KRYPTON-1xACC
Added support for CAN card Vector VN1611
User interface changes:
Added possibility to scale the graphs in IIR and FIR filter math
Possibility to add cursor on a 2D graph on the same point where cursor already exists (with right-click context menu)
Added delta cursor in a 2D graph
3D graph dB scaling added
Cursors are shown only if the mouse is hovering over a visual control
Reorganized FFT setup user interface panels
Filtering options:
Added support for custom HP filters on the SIRIUS-LVv2 module
Software lowpass filters added for all Krypton devices
Other features:
Analog/digital tacho support in Combustion analyzer (experimental feature)
Added storing type info to the NET transfer screen
Added option to enable Use of relative event time by default in advanced settings
Added latitude/longitude description in channel properties
The number of decimal places can be edited for frequency in order tracking
Added option to enable "Always overwrite data files" in project settings
DS-CLOCK: Decode 2nd part of IRIG frame
Implemented the DAQ license tool
Added numeric formatter
KRYPTON STG does not need to reset after the FW upgrade (since 1.86)
Add default SKF bandwidths to the Envelope module
Added support for two pulse edge separations in counters on SIRIUSi-HS
Added option to enable Use of relative event time by default in advanced settings
Don't show left/right side panel toggle buttons in full-screen mode
The dewesoft team thanks you for your great support in making Dewesoft X3 better with every version. Dewesoft X3 SP2 is a free upgrade for all existing Dewesoft users and can be downloaded.