12 reviews

SIRIUS® ModularModular Data Acquisition (DAQ) System

SIRIUS® modular is the world's most versatile and powerful data acquisition system. SIRIUS® provides high-end signal conditioning amplifiers for almost any signal and sensor. SIRIUS data acquisition systems are truly the latest in DAQ technology and offer high dynamic range (160 dB), galvanic isolation, etc. They are available in USB or EtherCAT® configurations.

All SIRIUS® instruments are bundled with award-winning data acquisition software and come with an industry-leading 7-year warranty.

SIRIUS modular data acquisition (DAQ) system






High Voltage

High Voltage



Strain and Stress

Strain and Stress

Full Bridge

Full Bridge

Half Bridge

Half Bridge

Quarter Bridge

Quarter Bridge









Counter and Encoder

Counter and Encoder



CAN bus

CAN bus





DSI compatible

DSI compatible

TEDS compatible

TEDS compatible

Analog out

Analog out

Galvanic isolation ±1000 V

Galvanic isolation ±1000 V

USB 2.0

USB 2.0





-10°C to +50°C

-10°C to +50°C

Shock rating 50g

Shock rating 50g

SIRIUS® Modular highlights

USB/EtherCAT Interface

SIRIUS modular data acquisition systems can be connected via USB or EtherCAT® interface to any Windows-compatible PC or to one of our high-performance SBOX processing computers and data loggers running our award-winning DewesoftX software.

Connect Any Sensor

Array of different amplifiers are available that can acquire data from virtually any sensor on the market. IEPE, voltage, high voltage, charge, full/half/quarter bridge, LVDT, RTD, thermocouples, current, resistance, counter, encoder, and digital inputs are available.

Universal Analog Inputs

Truly universal analog inputs are available that can accept voltage, IEPE, full/half/quarter bridge, RTD, and resistance signals natively. Additional input modes such as charge, thermocouple, RTD, current, and LVDT signals are supported via our DSI adapters.

160 dB Dynamic Range

Our DualCoreADC® technology boosts dual 24-bit delta-sigma ADC's with an anti-aliasing filter on each analog channel, achieving an astonishing 160 dB dynamic range in time and frequency domain with 200 kHz sampling rate per channel. 

High Sampling Rate

SIRIUS signal amplifiers offer high acquisition speeds of up to 1 MS/s per channel. The sample rate is software-selectable per every input channel.

High Galvanic Isolation

SIRIUS signal conditioners provide high ±1000 V channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground galvanic isolation. This prevents damage to the systems from excessive voltage and avoids ground loops.

Flexible and Scalable

SIRIUS DAQ system can grow with your needs. You can start with a single channel and scale the system to thousands of channels at any time.

Fully Synchronized

All input channels - analog, digital, and CAN - are fully synchronized with each other with microsecond accuracy. Multiple devices can be further daisy-chained and synchronized with the same pin-point synchronization accuracy.

Sensor Power Supply

Amplifiers provide channel-independent, programmable power supply for sensor excitation.

SuperCounter® Inputs

Each counter channel input is capable of three digital inputs, one event counter, encoder, period, pulse-width, duty-cycle, and precise frequency and angle measurement using patented SuperCounter® technology.

CAN and CAN FD Input

SIRIUS modular devices offer one high-speed CAN 2.0b and CAN FD interface with 1 Mbit/sec data throughput with additional support for XCP, CCP, OBDII, J1939, and CAN output.

Analog Outputs With Function Generator

SIRIUS slice can be configured with 8 analog outputs which can also function as a multi-channel function generator (software option upgrade required), analog replay, or control device with the output voltage signal of ±10V.

Software included

Every Dewesoft data acquisition system is bundled with award-winning DewesoftX data acquisition software. The software is easy to use but very rich and deep in functionality. All software updates are free forever with no hidden licensing or yearly maintenance fees.

Dewesoft quality and 7-year warranty

Enjoy our industry-leading 7-year warranty. Our data acquisition systems are made in Europe, utilizing only the highest build quality standards. We offer free and customer-focused technical support. Your investment into the Dewesoft solutions is protected for years ahead.

Next Generation DAQ System

The SIRIUS data acquisition system is designed to be accurate, flexible, modular, expandable, and safe. The main development goal of the SIRIUS DAQs was to create a simple-to-use data acquisition device that prevents frequent errors during the measurement process.

SIRIUS offers virtually unlimited configuration possibilities. SIRIUS slices are available in 1 or 16 analog input channel configurations. The slices can be daisy-chained together to extend channel count. An array of different analog amplifiers are available for signal conditioning to give you the possibility to connect virtually any sensor type.

Technologies like DualCoreADC®, SuperCounters®, high galvanic isolation, and all the software innovations of the award-winning DewesoftX software make SIRIUS the most unique data acquisition solution on the market today.

Intuitive and easy to use

Using Dewesoft data acquisition systems does not require any complex configuration setups or programming knowledge. We also kept this in mind when designing SIRIUS® XHS.

Plug-and-play technology with smart sensors and advanced TEDS is supported by default. This makes performing measurements with the Dewesoft DAQ systems easier than riding a bike. You will be ready to measure in no time. 

Getting precise and graphically rich results is easier than ever. The drag-and-drop user interface of bundled DewesoftX software will allow you to define your measurement screens and results in no time. A rich mathematics library for signal processing is also available one click away. Just connect the right widget with your input channel and Voila! Works like magic.

DAQ software hardware easy to use

DualCoreADC® signal conditioning technology

The DualCoreADC® technology solves often-faced problems with signal measurement:

  • signal input overload,

  • noise, and

  • artificial frequencies in the signal caused by aliasing.

The input signal can be higher than expected by the signal conditioner (out-of-range) and therefore clipped by the ADC. This will result in an incorrect measurement and will require you to repeat the test all over again.

DualCoreADC technology prevents these problems. Each channel amplifier has two A/D converters that measure the high and the low gain of the input signal in parallel. This results in the full possible measuring range of the sensor and prevents the signal from being clipped. 

With DualCoreADC technology, SIRIUS data acquisition systems achieve more than 130 dB signal-to-noise ratio and more than 160 dB in dynamic range. This is 20x better than 24-bit DAQ systems and 20x less noise.

SIRIUS DualCoreADC amplifier schematic

Channel-to-channel galvanic isolation

SIRIUS DAQ devices offer high galvanic channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground isolation (±1000 V). The DAQ systems even offer isolated sensor excitation.

With such isolation, we have no problem measuring high voltage potentials and no problem with common-mode voltages. We are also safe with measurements like vibrations, temperatures, or any other measurement where non-isolated sensors are placed next to the high voltage potential against the DAQ system ground. In such cases, a non-isolated DAQ system would burn or at least give faulty wrong results. With SIRIUS it is just one thing less to worry about.

Digital isolation has another big advantage - preserving the frequency bandwidth of the amplifiers. SIRIUS provides "worry-free" measurements, less noise, no ground loops, and the best possible signal quality.

For less demanding measurement and lower-cost applications, SIRIUS DAQs are also available in a differential version where only power supply isolation is offered.

SIRIUS isolation schematic

SuperCounters®: precise speed and angle measurement with counter and encoder sensors

Dewesoft data acquisition systems utilize a patented and registered trademark technology called SuperCounter®.

Counter inputs can measure the RPM and angle of rotating machines. In comparison to standard counters, which only output integer numbers one sample later (e.g. 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4), the Dewesoft SuperCounter inputs are able to extract accurate values like 1.37, 1.87, 2.37, etc. fully synchronized for time and amplitude.

This is done by measuring the exact time of the rising edge of the signal with an additional counter. Our SuperCounter inputs work on a 102.4 MHz time base, independent of the current analog sampling rate.

Counter inputs are fully synchronized with analog, CAN bus, and other data sources to enable easy applications like balancing, order tracking, and torsional vibrations.


Input Amplifiers for Every Sensor

SIRIUS offers a range of different signal amplifiers for almost every signal type and connection of practically any type of sensor. SIRIUS slices are available in two versions:

  • Galvanically isolated version with 1000V galvanic channel-to-channel and channel-to-ground isolation.

  • Differential version with differential inputs and isolated power supply.

Standard or Customized Front-End Configuration

SIRIUS slices are available with 8 or 16 channels per slice. Standard front-end configurations are available or you can freely customize each of the eight available channel slots from the list of available amplifiers. With some amplifiers, you can choose several connector types. At your request, we can develop a custom connector type. Please contact us to discuss that option.

The top slice on the image shows an example of a customized front-end slice.

Available signal amplifiers

SIRIUS® data acquisition systems offer different signal conditioning amplifiers grouped into three main amplifier families.

DualCoreADC® amplifiers

High dynamic range inputs (160dB)

These amplifiers feature dual 24-bit Delta-sigma ADC. Each channel amplifier has two A/D converters that measure the high and the low gain of the input signal in parallel. This results in the full possible measuring range of the sensor and prevents the signal from being clipped. 

With DualCoreADC technology, SIRIUS data acquisition systems achieve more than 130 dB signal-to-noise ratio and more than 160 dB in dynamic range. This is 20x better than 24-bit DAQ systems and 20x less noise.

Each channel is capable of acquiring the input signal at a 200 kS/s sampling rate.

High-density (HD) amplifiers

Same Speed. More Channels. Optimized Price. 

High-density (HD) amplifiers are built with the same dual 24-bit Delta-sigma ADC with an anti-aliasing filter and 200 kS/s sampling rate per channel. The main difference to DualCoreADC® amplifiers is that HD amplifiers use each of the two Delta-sigma ADCs as separate input and thus double the number of input channels while still keeping great signal-to-noise and dynamic range specs.

SIRIUS high-density signal conditioning cards thus offer double the input channels (16 analog channels) in the same chassis enclosure. These modules offer the best price-per-channel-to-performance ratio.

High-speed (HS) amplifiers

16-bit SAR ADC with high-speed sampling

SIRIUS® high-speed (HS) amplifiers are equipped with 16-bit SAR ADC. They offer high bandwidth and acquisition rates of up to 1 MS/s sample rate per channel. These amplifiers are suitable for recording fast transients and for applications where a high sampling rate is a must (such as power analysis).

The SIRIUS® modules with high-speed (HS) signal conditioning amplifiers are available in 8 analog input channel configurations.

DualCoreADC® amplifiers (8 analog channels per slice, Dual 24-bit Sigma-Delta ADC, 200 kS/s/channel)
ACCExt. shunt
CHGExt. shunt
MIC200Ext. shunt
High-density (HD) amplifiers (16 analog channels per slice, 24-bit Sigma-Delta ADC, 200 kS/s/channel)
ACCExt. shunt
High-speed (HS) amplifiers (8 analog channels per slice, 16-bit SAR ADC, 1 MS/s/channel)
ACCExt. shunt
CHGExt. shunt

*DSI = Dewesoft Sensor Interface. Learn more about DSI adapters.

See full SIRIUS technical specifications for detailed specs about the SIRIUS DAQ systems and its amplifiers.

IEPE Sensor Check

SIRIUS ACC and Charge signal amplifiers for IEPE sensors are equipped with a LED ring around the input connector for visual feedback that tells if the sensors are connected correctly. When an IEPE sensor is connected, the amplifier will constantly check the current flow to the sensor and will turn the LED bright green or bright red, depending on, if the sensor's impedance is okay.

With this LED indicator you have immediate visual feedback if all your IEPE sensors such as accelerometers or microphones are working and are wired correctly. This is just another small but very useful detail that makes your life as a test engineer a little bit easier.

CAN and CAN FD interface

SIRIUS® signal conditioning slices are equipped with one CAN/CAN FD port for analyzing CAN bus data. Additionally, we provide a CAN-only SIRIUS® module that fits 9 CAN ports into one SIRIUS® module.

CAN interface supports transmitting and receiving CAN 2.0b data at a full speed of 1 Mbit/s. CAN FD interface supports high-speed CAN interface with data rates up to 8 Mbps. They are also compatible and allow decoding of J1939, J1587, and OBD II on CAN data as well.

All CAN channels are isolated for worry-free CAN acquisition in noisy environments and for maximum signal quality.

SIRIUS® CAN interface adds the possibility to:

  • Capture and synchronize CAN bus data with your analog inputs.

  • Advanced CAN recording, storing, and analysis.

  • Online monitoring and decoding of CAN messages.

  • Offline CAN message decoding.

  • Visual display for displaying CAN data.

  • Online and offline math analysis of CAN channels.

  • CAN DBC file import and export.

  • OBDII on CAN, J1939, and XCP/CCP support.

  • CAN transmit.

Analog Output

SIRIUS data acquisition systems can optionally be configured with 8 analog output channels. Analog out connectors are installed on the device's backplane with 8 BNC connectors.

Analog outputs can have different modes of operation. For example, you can run external shakers with a built-in multi-function generator, or just use it as a file replay. Scroll down to see all possible modes of operation.

Output Oversampling

Similar to the Delta-sigma ADC on the SIRIUS input, the analog output uses a special oversampling technology that enables higher frequencies to be output correctly. Although the maximum SIRIUS sampling rate is 200 kHz the output looks like sampled with 1 MHz.

Analog Output Modes

The analog outputs on SIRIUS can be configured and used with one of the following modes of operation.

Function Generator

The DewesoftX software offers a multi-channel function generator. Together with the SIRIUS analog out hardware options it can generate and output signals like sine, triangle, rectangle, saw, or even an arbitrary table. The generated signal can be continuous or in a sweep, step sweep, burst, and other modes. A lot of fine-tuning can be done in the function generator during the measurement in real-time.

Function generator on SIRIUS can be an excellent way to excite vibration shakers​​​​​​​ or any other device requiring simple analog input signals.

Standalone Signal Conditioning

With this mode, you can use the SIRIUS data acquisition systems as a pure, standalone signal conditioner. No DewesoftX software or USB connection to a PC is required. Any physical input signal is converted directly to an analog output voltage signal of max. ±10 V.


  • Any analog input is possible

  • Signal conditioning: scaling, offset, gain

  • Redundant DAQ system: simple mathematic functions

  • Standalone operation possible

Control Channels

DewesoftX software features control channels that allow any SIRIUS data acquisition device with analog output to directly access its analog outputs and manually assign a value in real-time during the measurement. 

The control channels mode can be used for controlling peripheral hardware with actions like Start, Stop, Pause, Freeze, Store, Trigger, Screen event, Keyboard even, and many more. Choose out of many different instruments like vertical and horizontal slider bar, turning knob, buttons, edit box, etc.

File Replay to Analog

When your measurement data is recorded you can replay your data file and output the conditioned channels on the SIRIUS analog out channels. This feature is useful for post-processing and analysis or to feed the data to a 3rd party testbed and simulate e.g. the vibrations during a test drive. Please note that this is not a 0 latency output.

For real-time data feed to a 3rd party EtherCAT master controller SIRIUS DAQ systems also offer Dual Mode capability. Dual-mode gives the ability to feed data to a 3rd party controller in real-time with very low latency. This is enabled through all SIRIUS devices with EtherCAT port.

Precise Synchronization of Input Signals and Data Sources

SIRIUS DAQ hardware is capable of recording different signals like the voltage, current, strain, IEPE/ICP®, charge, digital, counter, encoder, and others. With the included DewesoftX software, you can also record data from digital interfaces like Video, GPS/GNSS, Flexray, Ethernet, Serial, XCP/CCP, PCM telemetry, and many others. 

Even though each data source can have different sampling rates, all your data will be perfectly synchronized in a single data file. You will be able to see events from all channels perfectly aligned. 

Synchronized video can also be added for no additional cost. Dewesoft includes powerful a video engine with support for simple DirectX web cameras, 3rd party thermal cameras, and high-speed video cameras that are fully synchronized to the sampled analog data.

Expand Channel Count and Distribute Devices

If one SIRIUS slice does not provide enough input channels, you can easily extend and daisy chain multiple slices to form large channel-count systems. Slices can be daisy-chained for power and synchronization. A rugged USB hub (DS-HUB7) is available for the connection of up to 7 SIRIUS slices. 1 USB cable is then needed for connection from the USB hub to the PC or SBOX computer.

Simple and smart click-mechanism on the SIRIUS chassis allows you to bind and connect multiple slices together.

Additionally, SIRIUS modular devices with an EtherCAT interface (SIRIUSe) can be easily distributed. Only one cable is required to connect the devices for data, power, and synchronization between each other. Cable length can span up to 100 meters between the nodes. With this, the DAQ devices can be placed close to the sensors. This increases the signal quality, reduces signal noise, and lowers the cost of the sensor cabling.

The configuration for working with multiple instruments is as easy as working with a single unit.

Fanless, Dustproof, and IP67 Waterproof Protection

SIRIUS modular data acquisition systems are also available in a more rugged fanless chassis enclosure (SIRIUSf). SIRIUS fanless devices are designed without any cooling fans and are much more suited for measurements in heavy industrial and dusty environments. All SIRIUS fanless devices are IP50 rated and completely dust-protected. 

Looking for an even more rugged and waterproof version? We have you covered! An even more rugged version is available called SIRIUS Waterproof. SIRIUSw devices offer IP67 protection and are fully waterproof, dustproof, and 100G shock protection.

Available in Many Chassis Enclosures

Next to modular SIRIUS devices, the SIRIUS data acquisition technology is also available in different chassis enclosures. These will transform SIRIUS into a high-channel rack-mountable DAQ system or portable DAQ system with a built-in display, keyboard, and batteries or high-channel-count data acquisition systems. 

SIRIUS® rack chassis configurations:

  • SIRIUS® R1DB/R2DB: This can fit up to two SIRIUS DAQ slices to form a perfect mobile all-in-one data acquisition system with a built-in SBOX computer, display, and batteries.

  • SIRIUS® R3: Up to three SIRIUS DAQ slices in a 19'' rack-compatible PC chassis with standard interchangeable computer components.

  • SIRIUS® R2/R4: Up to four SIRIUS DAQ slices in a small chassis enclosure with a built-in SBOX computer or USB hub.

  • SIRIUS® R8: Enclosure for the highest channel count in one box - up to 128 channels. Up to eight SIRIUS DAQ slices will fit into the R8 chassis, equipped with a powerful SBOX computer and SSD data logger.

  • SIRIUS® R8DB: Similar to the R8 enclosure, the R8DB chassis can also host up to 128 SIRIUS channels with the addition of a built-in display and batteries for full autonomy and portability.

  • SIRIUS® RT: The SIRIUS RT systems (R2rt, R4rt, R8rt) deploy a secondary data bus. This enables systems to communicate with 3rd party controllers using a secondary low-latency EtherCAT bus.

  • SIRIUS® MINI: Small, USB-powered 4-channel IEPE data acquisition systems, perfect for small and quick sound and vibration measurements and analysis.


Award-Winning Data Acquisition Software Included for Free

Dewesoft data acquisition systems are bundled with award-winning DewesoftX data acquisition software. It is the world's most advanced and easy-to-use data recording and signal processing software. Software and hardware work together like magic. It offers simplicity as well as deep functionality to tackle any test and measurement task.

And the best part? You get lifetime FREE software updates and technical support. Software is evolving all the time. New major releases are released every 3 months constantly adding new features, optimizations, and other improvements. There are no hidden costs and will remain free forever.

Plug and Play

Connecting the DAQ system and sensors could not be faster or easier. DewesoftX software will automatically detect the connected DAQ systems and TEDS-equipped sensors will configure the channel configuration automatically. Features like:

  • Hardware auto-detection.

  • Smart sensors.

  • Sensor database.

  • Advanced TEDS sensor support.

  • Built-in unit conversion.

  • Real-time signal preview.

  • Wiring schematics.

will make you ready for measurement in seconds. Spend less time configuring your DAQ hardware and be more productive. Time is money!

Measure and Store

Powerful storing capabilities with more than 500 MB/s sustained stream rates mean you can always store data at full speed and never again worry about losing data that could compromise your tests. DewesoftX storing features offer:

  • Real-time data acquisition.

  • Synchronized acquisition of analog, counter, video, GPS, CAN bus, and many other sources.

  • Advanced triggering and alarms.

  • Single or multi-file storage.

  • Remote and distributed network storing.

  • Automated test sequences.

Even if you store gigabytes of data, our innovative data file format​​​​​​​ will ensure you can reload and analyze your data as fast as in a blink of an eye.

Analyse and Publish

NVH, structural testing, power analysis, and more. Forget about using several complex software solutions to record and analyze your data. DewesoftX offers one-stop shop for all test and measurement tasks. Our software offers:

  • Online and offline mathematics.

  • Flexible real-time visual displays.

  • Synchronized video support.

  • PDF and Word reporting tools.

  • Data export to many standard file formats.

  • Unlimited FREE license seats to view and analyze stored data.

DewesoftX is designed with the mindset of a test engineer and offers a complete testing solution in a single software package that is easy and joy to use.

Lifetime Free Updates

We are offering no-bluff or hidden cost licensing model for our data acquisition software. A new major version is released every three months bringing new features, performance boosts, bugfixes, with no additional cost to you. All updates for our existing users are free forever.

Unlimited License Seats

Our licensing model offers unlimited seats for analysing the recorded data. The recorded data file will bundle the license. Simply share data file with your colleagues and they can download software for free and ready to fully analyze the data. No additional licenses are needed.

Free Technical Support

We are putting our customers first. Free worldwide technical support is available for our DAQ software and hardware. Our technical support team is responsive and will attend to every support request and solve it in the fastest possible manner. Local technical support in our local offices is also available for you at no extra cost.

Lovedby Many Engineers

We recommend SIRIUS data acquisition system as a great unit to anyone that asks how we like it.

We absolutely enjoy using the Dewesoft data acquisition equipment and its software. I think of it as the Porsche 911 of data acquisition (my dream car/our dream test equipment).

I wanted to personally write to you and tell you how impressed I am with Dewesoft products. The whole Dewesoft team impressed me as extremely happy, smart, and dedicated.

Again, thanks for all of the new features that are being included in DewesoftX. It is already a fantastic product and deserves to become the Microsoft Word of data acquisition software.

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