NEMOSENSE technical specifications

NEMOSENSE-3xMEMS-ACC general specifications

Physical interfaceEthernet
ConnectorRJ45 Harting push-pull
Internal storage16 GB SD card
Data file formatsCSV
Data transfer protocolsMQTT, FTP
Device management protocolsMQTT, HTTPS
Synchronization delay10 ms (LAN)
Power supply48 V PoE
Power consumption1.3 W
Operating temperature-20..60 °C
Storage temperature-20..60 °C
IP ratingIP67
Dimensions119 x 119 x 42 mm
Weight500 g
Rev: 1593518446

NEMOSENSE-3xMEMS-ACC accelerometer specifications

MEMS Accelerometer3xMEMS-ACC
Measurement ranges +-2 g
-3 dB bandwidth6 Hz
Sample rate31.25 Hz
Dynamic range96 dB
Noise density (lowest range)25 µg/√Hz
Residual noise (+-2 g range, 6 Hz bandwidth) 50 µg RMS
Calibrated offset error +-4 mg
Calibrated gain error +-0.2 %
Offset temperature drift (-20 .. 60 degC)-0.15 mg / degC +-0.02 mg / degC0.15 mg / degC
Semsitivity temperature drift (-20 .. 60 degC) +-0.01 % / degC
Linearity error (smallest range)0.1 % FS
Crossaxis sensitivity1 %

B - battery option

B option (battery pack)
Battery typeLithium-Ion batteries
Battery cell format 18650, 4 cells
Battery voltage (nominal)3.6 V
Battery capacityNominal 12000 mAh (4 cells of 3000 mAh each) at room temperature
ChargingPoE (using 48 Power Supply). 2,5 W typical, optionally up to 10W
Operating temperatureDischarge: -20..60 °C; Charge: 0..45 °C
IP ratingIP67
Dimensions130 x 130 x 22 mm

M - mobile 4G/LTE option

M option (mobile)
Physical interface4G/LTE, 2 omni-directional antennas
Power Consumption< 1 W idle, 1-3 W typically during transmission, 9 W peak
Operating temperature-20..60 °C
IP ratingIP66
DimensionsTwo antennas are added to the main housing, see drawings (in technical refference manual) for details

G - GNSS option

G option (GNSS)
Supporting constellationsGPS, GLONASS, BDS, Galileo and QZSS
Antenna frequency1164–1189MHz, 1559–1606MHz
Antenna connectorSMA
Power Consumption< 0.5 W
Operating temperature-20..60 °C
IP ratingIP67
DimensionsAntenna is added to the main housing, see drawings (in technical refference manual) for details
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