Grant Maloy Smith

Friday, August 16, 2024 · 0 min read

A Comprehensive Guide to Dynamometers: Types, Uses, and Benefits

A dynamometer, or "dyno," is an essential testing tool that measures the force, torque, and power output of engines, motors, and various mechanical devices. Dynamometer measurements are crucial for assessing performance, efficiency, and durability, ensuring that mechanical and biomechanical systems operate within optimal parameters.

Dynamometer testing is widely used in the automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, healthcare, and energy industries. It provides accurate data that informs product development, quality control, and maintenance procedures. Dynos also measure cable tension on elevators, telephone and electric lines, cranes, and suspension bridges, showcasing their versatility and wide application.

A brief history of dynamometers

Early hydraulic dynamometer, with dead-weight torque measurement. Andy Dingley (scanner), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

The concept of the dynamometer dates back to the 18th century when Edme Régnier developed the earliest form to measure the pull force of horses. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century saw significant advancements, including James Watt's development of a device to measure his steam engines' horsepower and torque output. This laid the groundwork for modern power measurement. Throughout the 20th century, dynamometers expanded their applications to internal combustion engines, electric motors, and industrial machinery.

How dynamometers work

Dynamometers operate like spring scales, where one end of the spring is fixed to a base, and the other end is connected to the force being measured. As the spring stretches, it registers a reading on a scale, indicating the force in Newtons (N). This simple mechanism is suitable for basic measurements, but more advanced dynamometers, resembling electric motors or gas engines, are required for high-power applications.

Typical spring scale.

Uses with motors and engines

In larger dynamometers, the device is connected to an engine's drive system. As the engine runs, the dynamometer absorbs and measures the power output, providing data on torque and power. This process involves dissipating the absorbed power through electromagnetism. Modern dynamometers feed data into computer software, which typically runs on Windows, though some older DOS-based software is still in use. The software tracks various parameters, including temperature, pressure, humidity, oil temperatures, airflow, throttle position, and RPM.

Dynanometers as force gauges

Dynamometers can be used as force gauges to measure pull and push forces. Digital dynamometers use a load cell to convert force into electrical signals displayed on an LCD, while mechanical dynamometers use a strain gauge to convert force into an electrical signal. Measurements are recorded in Newtons, pounds, or Pascals.

Main types of dynamometers

Dynamometers are categorized based on their design and the specific measurements they are designed to capture. The main types of dynamometers include:

  • Absorption dynamometers

  • Transmission dynamometers

  • Motoring dynamometers

  • Chassis dynamometers

  • Inertia Dynamometers

  • Tension Dynamometers

Let’s examine each of these, their subtypes, and their main characteristics.

Absorption dynamometers

Absorption dynamometer

Absorption dynamometers measure the power output of engines and other rotating machinery by absorbing the energy produced during testing. These dynamometers are essential for evaluating performance, efficiency, and durability. The main subtypes of absorption dynamometers are:

Hydraulic dynamometers

  • Operation: A “water brake” dynamometer uses fluid resistance to create a load on an engine.

  • Application: Commonly used in automotive, locomotive, and industrial engine testing.

  • Advantages: Capable of handling high power outputs and providing stable loading conditions.

  • Disadvantages: A cooling system is required to dissipate heat generated by fluid resistance.

Eddy current dynamometers

  • Operation: Use magnetic fields to create resistance through eddy currents generated in a conductor.

  • Application: Widely used for automotive engine testing and research.

  • Advantages: Provide precise control over load and are relatively maintenance-free compared to hydraulic systems.

  • Disadvantages: Generate significant heat that must be managed with cooling systems.

Electric dynamometers

  • Operation: Convert mechanical energy into electrical energy dissipated as heat.

  • Application: Used for testing electric motors and generators.

  • Advantages: Efficient for testing electric propulsion systems and regenerative braking scenarios.

  • Disadvantages: They often require complex, sophisticated control systems.

Mechanical friction dynamometers

  • Operation: Use friction between a rotating and stationary element to create resistance.

  • Application: Often used in educational settings and as engine testing equipment.

  • Advantages: Simple design and cost-effective.

  • Disadvantages: Less precise and generate significant heat that must be managed.

  • Note: Prony Brake and Rope Brake are classified as mechanical friction dynos

Transmission dynamometers

SuperFlow’s transmission dynamometer system. Image ctoesy of SuperFlow

Transmission dynamometers measure the torque and rotational speed directly from power transmission between components, typically via a rotating shaft. These dynamometers do not absorb power but measure the torque transmitted through the shaft.

Strain gauge dynamometers

  • Operation: Strain gauges attached to the rotating shaft measure deformation proportional to the torque.

  • Application: Drive dynamometers require direct measurement of transmitted torque, such as in automotive transmissions and industrial machinery.

  • Advantages: They are accurate torque measurement devices that do not absorb power.

Torque transducer dynamometers

  • Operation: Employ torque transducers to measure the torque in the shaft.

  • Application: Ideal for continuous monitoring of torque in operational machinery.

  • Advantages: Highly accurate and capable of real-time monitoring.

Motoring dynamometers

Geoff Amann, senior technician at Argonne’s Advanced Powertrain Research Facility, takes the all-electric Tesla Roadster through a test cycle at the Lab’s two-wheel dynamometer laboratory. The data will help researchers develop test procedures that provide an unbiased, consistent, and practical approach to evaluating electric vehicles. Via Wikimedia Commons

Motoring dynamometers can drive the engine or motor being tested, simulating various operating conditions. They are often used for research and development, durability testing, and applications where it's necessary to simulate specific operating environments.

AC and DC electric dynamometers

  • Operation: Use electric motors to create a load on the engine or motor being tested.

  • Application: Extensively used in R&D for automotive and aerospace applications to simulate different loads and conditions.

  • Advantages: Highly controllable and capable of precise simulation of operating conditions.

Chassis dynamometers

Car chassis dynamometer

Chassis dyno testing measures the power output of an entire vehicle rather than just the engine or motor. They are often used to test vehicles' performance under real-world conditions.

Roller dynamometers

  • Operation: The vehicle is driven onto rollers that measure the power output at the wheels.

  • Application: Used for vehicle performance, fuel efficiency, and emissions testing.

  • Advantages: Allows for testing of the entire vehicle, including drivetrain losses.

Inertia dynamometers

Inertia dynamometers

Inertia dynamometers measure the power output by accelerating a known mass (inertia) and calculating the power based on the rate of acceleration.

Flywheel dynamometers

  • Operation: They use a flywheel with a known moment of inertia. The engine or motor accelerates the flywheel, and the power output is calculated based on the rate of acceleration.

  • Application: Used in performance testing of engines, particularly in automotive and motorsports applications.

  • Advantages: Simple design and practical for performance testing.

Tension dynamometers

Tension dynamometers measure the tension or force exerted by cables, ropes, chains, and similar objects. They are used in engineering, construction, and materials tests to ensure that the forces applied are within safe and specified limits.

  • Operation: A force exerted by the object causes a mechanical or electronic component within the dynamometer to react, and this reaction is translated into a tension measurement.

  • Types: Mechanical springs, calibrated weights, or electronic types based on strain gauges or load cells. 

  • Application: engineering and construction, materials testing, industrial maintenance, safety inspections.

  • Advantages: Accuracy, versatility, and ease of use

Transient test dynamometers

A transient test dynamometer is a specialized dynamometer designed to measure the performance of engines and other rotating machinery under rapidly changing conditions. Unlike steady-state dynamometers, which operate at constant speed or load, transient test dynamometers can simulate real-world operating conditions that involve sudden changes in speed, load, and other variables.

Transient test dynamometers accurately measure the performance of engines or machinery during transient events, such as acceleration, deceleration, and load changes. This provides valuable data on how the system behaves under real-world conditions.

Elements of dynamometer system

A dynamometer system typically includes:

Mechanical unit

The system's core is an absorption, transmission, or motoring dynamometer mechanism that applies a load to the engine or motor under test and measures the resulting torque and speed output.

Control system

The control system manages the operation of the dynamometer and controls the load applied to the engine or motor. Its user interface allows the operator to monitor the results and make real-time adjustments.

Sensors and transducers

Strain gauge sensors measure torque by detecting strain in the rotating shaft, and torque transducers on the drive shaft measure the torque and convert it into an electrical signal for analysis. Tachometers and encoders measure the shaft's rotational speed in revolutions per minute (RPM).

Data acquisition (DAQ) system

During testing, the DAQ system collects data from various sensors (torque, speed, temperature, etc.). DAQ systems consist of signal conditioning, ADCs (analog-to-digital converters), data storage, and software for system setup, real-time data monitoring, and analysis. The Dewesoft SIRIUS is a good example of a dynamometer DAQ system. Its amplifiers are compatible with all needed sensors (strain, pressure, load, RPM, encoders, etc.). SIRIUS systems provide the sample rates needed for dyno applications and feature a rich, easy-to-use user interface.

Dewesoft SIRIUS DAQ instruments are available in (LEFT) all-in-one form factors where the computer, storage, and user interface are integrated into a single instrument and (RIGHT) modular form factors where the computer and display are separate from the instrument.

SIRIUS® R1DB/R2DBPortable Data Acquisition (DAQ) Systems

Dynamometer applications by industry

Automotive industry

The automotive industry is a primary user of dynamometers. They test engine performance, fuel efficiency, emissions, and durability. Major companies like General Motors, Ford, Toyota, and BMW rely on dynamometers to develop new engines and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. 

In addition to testing conventional road vehicles, automotive dynamometers test the performance of agricultural machinery like tractors and harvesters. By measuring these machines' power output and efficiency, manufacturers can develop more reliable and efficient equipment, benefiting farmers and the agricultural sector. 

In mining and construction, dynamometers test the performance of heavy machinery like excavators, drills, and cranes. This ensures these machines can handle the demanding conditions and loads they encounter, improving safety and efficiency on job sites. They also measure the performance of ship engines and propulsion systems in the maritime industry. They help optimize fuel efficiency and ensure vessels operate safely and effectively under various conditions.

Learn more about this topic:

Aerospace industry

Dynamometers are used in aerospace to test the performance of jet engines, propellers, and other critical components. Companies like General Electric, Pratt & Whitney, and Rolls-Royce use dynamometers to ensure their engines meet stringent safety and performance standards.

Manufacturing and industrial sector

Manufacturers use dynamometers to test the performance of industrial motors, turbines, and other rotating machinery. Companies like Siemens, GE, and ABB use industrial dynamometers to ensure their products meet rigorous quality and performance standards.

Energy sector

Dynamometers are used in the energy sector to test wind turbines, hydroelectric generators, and other power generation equipment. Companies like Vestas, Siemens Gamesa, and General Electric use dynamometers to optimize the efficiency and reliability of their energy systems.

Additional dynanometer applications

Dynamometers have a wide range of interesting and unusual applications beyond their conventional uses in the automotive, aerospace, industrial, and energy sectors. Here are some of these exciting applications:

A hand dynamometer measures grip strength. Ashashyou, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Dynamometers measure muscle strength and performance in sports science, biomechanics, and prosthetics. This data helps design training programs, assess injury recovery, and optimize athletic performance. Handgrip dynamometers, for example, measure grip strength, which can indicate overall muscular strength and health. They are used to test the performance of prosthetic limbs and orthotic devices. Dynos help manufacturers ensure product durability and effectiveness by providing accurate force and torque measurements.

In rehabilitation and physical therapy, dynamometers help measure the strength of specific muscle groups, aiding in the development of personalized rehabilitation programs. These devices track progress and adjust exercises to ensure adequate recovery from injuries or surgeries.

In ergonomics and human factors engineering, dynamometers measure the force exerted by individuals during various ergonomic tasks. This information is crucial for designing workplace tools and environments that minimize strain and injury, improving overall safety and productivity.

In robotics, dynamometers measure the torque and power output of robotic joints and actuators.

In robotics, dynamometers measure the torque and power output of robotic joints and actuators. This data is vital for designing robots with precise and efficient movements, ensuring they can perform tasks accurately and reliably.

Dynamometers are employed in environmental testing to measure the power output and efficiency of renewable energy systems like wind turbines and hydroelectric generators. This data helps optimize these systems' performance and contributes to developing sustainable energy solutions.

Dynamometers are used in various experimental setups in R&D applications to measure the mechanical performance of new materials, components, and systems. This application spans numerous fields, including materials science, mechanical engineering, and aerospace.

Dynamometers can be used in entertainment and simulation environments to create realistic motion feedback for rides and simulators. For example, they help design and test motion platforms for flight and driving simulators, providing users with an immersive experience.

In forensic engineering, dynamometers help analyze mechanical failures by measuring the forces involved in accidents or structural collapses. This information can be crucial in determining the causes of failures and preventing future incidents.

Pros and cons of dynamometers

Dynamometer pros

  • Accuracy: Dynamometers are mechanical testing instruments that provide precise measurements of torque, power, and force, which are critical for performance testing and optimization.

  • Versatility: Dynamometers can be used across various industries and applications, from automotive testing to industrial machinery and energy systems.

  • Development Tool: Dynamometers are essential for electric motor testing and research, helping engineers design more efficient and powerful engines.

  • Quality Control: Dynamometers ensure that products meet specified performance and safety standards, reducing the risk of failures and recalls.

Dynamometer cons

  • Cost: Dynamometers with high precision and data acquisition capabilities can be expensive to purchase and maintain.

  • Complexity: Dynamometer operation requires specialized knowledge and training.

  • Size and Space: Dynamometers require significant space and infrastructure, especially for heavy-duty applications.

Future dynamometer trends

Advancements influence the future of dynamometer technology in materials, electronics, and data analysis:

  • Integration with Digital Systems: Modern dynamometers are increasingly integrated with digital systems, allowing real-time data acquisition, analysis, and remote monitoring.

  • Miniaturization: Developing smaller, more compact dynamometers for portable applications or integration into smaller machinery.

  • Enhanced Data Analysis: With AI and machine learning, dynamometer data can be analyzed more comprehensively to predict performance trends, identify potential issues, and optimize designs.

  • Sustainability: Focus on developing and testing more efficient engines and motors, reducing emissions and energy consumption.


Dynamometers are indispensable tools for measuring the performance of engines, motors, and other rotating machinery across various industries. From their historical origins to modern applications, dynamometers have evolved to provide precise and reliable data critical for product development, quality control, and maintenance. 

While they offer numerous advantages, including accuracy and versatility, they also present challenges like cost and complexity. Competing technologies like accelerometers and strain gauges offer alternatives but often lack the comprehensive capabilities of dynamometers. Looking ahead, advancements in digital integration, miniaturization, data analysis, and sustainability will shape the future of dynamometer technology, ensuring its continued relevance and utility in an increasingly technologically advanced world.