Caratteristiche tecniche di IOLITE 2xASI
Caratteristiche tecniche di IOLITE 2xASI
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<p><b>502.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins> | |||||||||||||||||
<p>The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.<p>Please try again in 30 seconds. <ins>That’s all we know.</ins> | |||||||||||||||||
Specifiche tecniche di ASI-1xVIB-50g
Single-axis vibration accelerometer specs | |
Measurement range | 50g (100g optional) |
Bandwidth (+-10%) | 0-10 kHz |
Noise (10-1000 Hz) | 1 mg rms |
Noise (10-10.000 Hz) | 3 mg rms |
0g offset error (-40..125C) | 5 g |
Nominal sensitivity | 40mV/g |
Sensitivity change due to temperature (0..85C) | +-2% |
Linearity error | 0.1% FS |
Crossaxis sensitivity | -1% to +1% |
Supply voltage | 5V |
Temperature sensor specs | |
Measurement range | -20 .. +85°C |
Accuracy (-40..85C) | +-3 C |
Resolution | 10 bits |
Supply voltage | 3.3 V |
Environmental | |
Operating temperature | -20 .. +85°C |
IP rating | IP 66 |
General specifications | |
Cable length | 2m |
Connector | M8, 8 pin, male |
Mounting type | Vertical, M6 thread |
Sensor weight | |
Dimensions | |
Housing material | Aluminum, hard anodized |