Emanuele Burgognoni
Ingegnere applicativo Italia, Specialista SHMEmanuele Burgognoni has a broad range of experience in the electronics, IT, and civil industries, having taken part in different roles in those fields.
During his studies, he sharpened his networking and hardware configuration experience, and at the end of this path, He achieved a university degree in electronic engineering.
In 2017, he came closer to the civil engineering sector, where he started his career working for engineering companies as a technical equipment designer for structural analysis and application engineer for structural diagnostics. During this period, he became familiar for the first time with vibration measurements.
Later, in 2019, he dedicated himself exclusively to modal analysis and structural health monitoring.
In 2021, he strengthened his knowledge in Structural Health Monitoring by acquiring the 2nd Level certification as an operator of non-destructive / semi-destructive tests in the dynamic methodology (DN), certified by the Bureau Veritas body under the UNI / PDR 56 standard: 2019.
In 2021, seeing the market's potential for dynamic analysis in the civil sector, he started his own consultant company to support companies in Structural Health Monitoring and Modal Analysis applications.
In 2023, he decided to bring his experience to a broader context, joining Dewesoft Italy as an Application Engineer, specialising in Structural Health Monitoring and Operational Modal Analysis.
Responsibilities and key competencies
Project manager: Monitoring applications;
Support in designing and installation of the acquisition systems
Supervision and maintenance of the instrumentation;
Manager of the Italy calibration department;
Operational Modal Analysis
- Calcolo Della Tensione di Tiro di Catene e Tiranti
- Monitoraggio Strutture in Acciaio: Test di montaggio e valutazione degli effetti di collanti monocomponenti su moduli IOLITEiw-3xMEMS-ACC
- Analisi Modale del Duomo di Crotone
- Studio del comportamento elasto-plastico di un modello in scala su tavola vibrante con accelerometri MEMS ed IEPE