Versiones de DewesoftX

Información general sobre la concesión de licencias

Al comprar cualquier instrumento de Dewesoft, recibirá automáticamente un Licencias profesionales. Le da acceso a las funciones principales del software DewesoftX. Aunque se trata de una versión "básica", está dotada de una amplia gama de funciones, desde el análisis matemático estándar hasta la visualización y secuenciación, pasando por la exportación de datos en diversos formatos. Todas las opciones incluidas en la licencia profesional están marcadas con una marca en la matriz de funciones. Tenga en cuenta que la licencia sólo es necesaria para la adquisición y el almacenamiento de datos con dispositivos DAQ, es decir, puede analizar sus archivos de datos en cualquier PC y compartirlos con todas las personas que desee.

Dado que Dewesoft X está repleto de funciones que pueden no ser relevantes para todos los casos de uso, queremos dar a los usuarios la opción de personalizar una licencia según sus necesidades exactas. Teniendo en cuenta esto, cualquier característica no incluida en la versión Profesional de la licencia puede ser adquirida como una opción adicional a la licencia Profesional.

Dewesoft también ofrece paquetes de software para aplicaciones específicas que contienen varias opciones de pago que suelen utilizarse juntas a un precio reducido. Las licencias Bundle incluyen todas las funciones disponibles con la licencia Profesional, además de algunas opciones adicionales que aparecen en la pestaña Vista del Bundle.

Para los usuarios avanzados de Dewesoft, ofrecemos la licencia Enterprise, que es una solución "todo en uno" que desbloquea completamente el software. Incluso si se añaden opciones adicionales de pago al software después de la compra, los usuarios con la licencia Enterprise siempre tienen acceso a todas las funciones.

Si le interesa la opción de pago pero quiere probarla primero, puede utilizar una licencia de prueba que le da acceso a todas las funciones durante 30 días.

Matriz de versiones de DewesoftX

Key features
All applications/interfaces in one software
Synchronized data acquisition
Unlimited number of configurable channels
Live visualization of data
Triggered storing
Distributed acquisition (Dewesoft NET)OptionOption
Offline analysis (Post-processing)
Localization (software translation)
Lifetime free upgrades
Configuration management
Savable/sharable configuration files
Project definition for different users
Sensor database
Adjustable physical quantities
Modular security, encryption, access restriction
Input/output interfaces
Dewesoft analog/digital inputs
Dewesoft analog/digital ouputs
Analog replay of data
Function generatorOptionOption
TEDS support
Gantner Ethernet devicesOptionOption
Gyro platform - LORD MicroStrainOptionOption
Vehicle interfaces
Dewesoft CAN/J1939 interfacesOptionOption
Vector CAN/J1939 interfacesOptionOption
Vector CAN FD devicesOptionOption
XCP SlaveOptionOption
SENT (SAE J2716)OptionOption
Kistler RoaDyn 2000OptionOption
Kistler KiRoadOptionOption
Engine TestbedOptionOption
Velodyne LidarOptionOption
GPS and IMU interfaces
Dewesoft or third party GPS devices
Dewesoft IMU devices
Gyro platform - GeneSys ADMA-CANOptionOption
Gyro platform - GeneSys ADMA-EthernetOptionOption
Gyro platform - MicroStrain MIPOptionOption
Aerospace interfaces
PCM telemetryOptionOption
Chapter 7 decodingOptionOption
Chapter 10OptionOption
ARINC 429 and MIL-STD-1553 devicesOptionOption
Video cameras
Direct X compatible cameras
Dewesoft DS-CAM cameras
GigE cameras
FLIR thermovision camerasOptionOption
Optris infrared camerasOptionOption
Photron high-speed camerasOptionOption
Industrial interfaces
OPC UA serverOptionOption
OPC UA clientOptionOption
Siemens S7OptionOption
MODBUS TCP/IP (Client)OptionOption
MODBUS TCP/IP (Server)OptionOption
Serial communicationOptionOption
Data post-processing and analysis
Standard math
Formula editor
Filters (IIR, FIR, FFT, CFC)
Integration, derivation
FFT analyzer (basic)
Statistics (basic, array, classification)
Reference curves
Latch mathemathics
Interactive math cursors
Counting (histogramming)
Exact frequency extraction
Advanced analysis
Power analysisOptionOption
Electric motor analysis (efficiency mapping)OptionOption
Basic combustion engine analysisOptionOption
Advanced combustion engine analysisOptionOption
Combustion noiseOptionOption
Vehicle dynamics (VTS)OptionOption
Polygon for vehicle analysisOptionOption
Brake noiseOptionOption
Brake testOptionOption
FFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced cursors - Advanced markers - Bearing faultOption
Octave band analysis
Order trackingOption
Orbit analysisOptionOption
Rotational and torsional vibrationOption
Rotor balancerOption
Human body vibrationOption
Modal test (FRF)Option
Modal analysisOptionOption
SRS (offline only)Option
Angle sensor math
Envelope detection
Sine processingOptionOption
Harmonic tracking filter
Full spectrum (two-sided Fourier transform)
Sound level meterOption
Sound powerOptionOption
Sound intensityOptionOption
Sound qualityOptionOption
Reverberation Time RT60OptionOption
Fatigue analysisOptionOption
Meters (digital, analog, horizontal/vertical bar)
Recorders (horizontal, vertical and XY recorder)
Oscilloscope (scope, scope 3D, vectorscope)
FFT (FFT, 3D FFT, Harmonic FFT and Octave)
Graphs (2D, 3D graph, Octave, Orbit, Campbell plot, Contour plot)
Control (button, switch, knob, slider, user input)
Utitlities (table, image, text, line, overload indicator, indicator lamp, note)
Interactive GPS Map and 3D Model
Attitude or artificial horizon indicator
Data management
Data export
FlexPro template
Excel template
Dewesoft (file reduction)
Universal file format 58
Technical data management
DynaWorks neutral file
Standard data file
Google earth KML
Brodcast wave format
CAN messages
IFile CA
Data import
Dewesoft data file merge (channel import)
RT data (Logger)
Data exchange
Data management (FTP file transfer)OptionOption
Online data export to .csv/SQL/MySqlOptionOption
Online data writing to ExcelOptionOption
Excel reporting tool (Excel add-in)
Email/SMS alarm notifications
Automation/Development tools
Data reader API
EtherCAT ENI exportOptionOption
C++ ScriptOptionOption
Third party extensions

Paquetes de DewesoftX Bundle

DSARotating Machinery AnalyzerOrbit AnalyzerStructural AnalyzerSound Intensity AnalyzerSound Power AnalyzerEnterprise
The DSA license is the perfect software solution for any and all digital signal processing. It covers a wide range of Noise & Vibration applications and offers options such as the FFT analyzer with extended cursor functionalities, order tracking, torsional vibration, rotor balancing, human body vibration, modal test, shock response spectrum as well as the sound level meter.The Rotating Machinery Analyzer software bundle allows you to analyze signals relating to the rotational speed and its harmonics. Evaluating orders (harmonics of the rotational speed) can be critically important on many types of rotating machines. This software license includes easy to use solutions for order tracking, rotational and torsional vibration, rotor balancing, FFT and octave band analysis. Advanced turbomachinery analysis including Orbit Analysis, Order tracking and advanced FFT designed to cover everything from rotor movement evaluation, assessment of any motion restrictions to in-depth analysis of rotational vibration with extraction of harmonic components, bearing faults detection and a set of advanced cursors and markers in FFT math. Trusted companion for engineers dealing with rotating machinery, whether in design phase or later for maintanence.The Structural Analyzer software bundle offers a total solution for structural dynamics, allowing you to analyze the behavior of structures subject to dynamic (high acceleration) loading. Easy to use solutions like the modal test, FFT and shock response spectrum analysis are included in the license.The Sound Intensity Analyzer software bundle is the perfect solution for noise source determination brought to an entirely new level by Dewesoft. The package also includes the sound level meter and the RT60 tools, which are essential for obtaining accurate measurement results. The Sound Power Analyzer software bundle merges the best of both worlds: widely established sound power measurements with a familiar yet distinctive user interface. With the analyzer you can rate and compare different noise sources with ease and exactness while simultaneously monitor any number of measured parameters. The package also includes the sound level meter and the RT60 tools, which are essential for obtaining accurate measurement results. Enterprise is complete version of DewesoftX with all options and addons.
Included options
FFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing faultFFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing faultFFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing faultFFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing faultSound levelSound levelAll available options and plugins
Order trackingOrder trackingOrder trackingModal test (FRF)Sound intensitySound power
Rotational and torsional vibrationRotational and torsional vibrationOrbit analysisSRS (offline only)Reverberation Time RT60Reverberation Time RT60
Rotor balancerRotor balancer
Human body vibration
Modal test (FRF)
SRS (offline only)
Sound level
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